Category: stunning

Zabah: Islamic method of Slaughter

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Zabah:Islamic Method of Slaughter


By: IMAM Dr Abduljalil Sajid

Islamic Food and Nutrition Council

The Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony

8 Caburn Road Hove BN3 6EF (UK) Tel: 01273 722438

FAX: 01273 326051 Mobile: 07971861972



Under European animal welfare regulations, all farm animals must be stunned before slaughter, unless they are killed by religious methods known as halal for Muslims and shechita for Jews. Both methods involve religiously trained slaughter men using sharp knives to cut the throats of cows, sheep and chickens and letting them bleed to death for food consumption.


The Farm Animal Welfare Counci (FAWC), which is appointed and funded by the Government, has concluded after a four-year study that Jewish and Muslim methods of slaughter are inhumane. It insists they be brought into line with mainstream regulations. However, consultations between the council and religious groups have broken down, and the council has been accused of “institutionalised religious prejudice”.


Let us examine Islamic position of Zabah and Stunning:

1. Zabah

The main Islamic sources of Law (Qur’an and Sunnah (the proven practices of the Prophet peace be upon him) are very clear on what is permissible to eat and what is not permissible. There are strict rules when it comes to meat ffor fiood purposes.

In Chapter Al-Maida (The Table) Allah says: “Forbidden to you [for food] are: Al-Maytatah (the dead animals -cattle-beasts not slaughtered), blood, the flesh of swine, and the meat of that which has been slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allah, or has been slaughtered for idols, etc., or on which Allah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering, and that which has been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by the goring of horns – and that which has been [partly] eaten by a wild animal – unless you are able to slaughter it [before its death] ­ and that which is sacrificed (slaughtered) on An­Nusub (stone altars). [Forbidden] also is to use arrows seeking luck or decision, [all] that is Fisqun (disobedience of Allah and sin). This day, those who disbelieved
have given up all hope of your religion, so fear them not, but fear Me. This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. But as for him who is forced by severe hunger, with no inclination to sin [such can eat these above-mentioned meats], then surely, Allah is Of Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (The Holy Qur’an 5:3-4)

The Islamic practice of slaughtering animals by means of a sharp cut to the front of the neck has frequently come under attack by some animal rights activists as being a form of animal cruelty, the claim being that it is a painful inhumane method of killing animals. In the West, it is required by law to stun the animals with a shot to the head before the slaughter, supposedly to render the animal unconscious and to prevent it from reviving before it is killed so as not to slow down the movement of the processing line. It is also used to prevent the animal from feeling pain before it dies.

The ritual slaughter in Islam is termed as Zabah. Literally, the term Zabah means to purify as the purpose of Zabah is to purify the flesh of the animal from flowing blood. ‘Zabiha’ means ‘slaughtered’. The ‘slaughtering’ is to be done by cutting the throat, windpipe and the blood vessels in the neck causing the animal’s death, but without cutting the spinal cord.

Prohibition of Carrion

a) Animals that Die in an Accident or due to an Injury

As is clear from the above explanation, carrion – flesh of dead animals – was clearly prohibited by the Qur’an. Nevertheless, there could still have remained some doubt regarding whether this prohibition applies only to animals that die a natural death or would it also extend to animals that die because of an accident or an injury caused by other animals or by a fall etc. The Qur’an, in Al-Maaidah 5: 3 completely clarified the situation and removed all doubts that could have existed in this regard. It declared: Carrion, blood, flesh of swine and that which is consecrated for anything other than God has been made unlawful for you. And [this includes animals] which die due to strangulation, due to an injury, due to a fall and due to being gored by [the horn of] another animal and those, which have been
[partly] eaten by a wild animal – [all these are included in carrion,] except those [which are found alive and which] you properly slaughter.

Thus, according to the Qur’an, a dead animal, whatever may have been the cause of its death, must not be eaten.

b) Parts Cut-off from Living Animals

The prohibition regarding carrion will also apply to any part cut-off from a living animal, and, therefore, the cut-off part shall not be considered as eatable. At the time of Hijrah, the people of Medinah used to cut off the humps of their camels and the fat in the tails of their rams for eating. When this practice was brought to the notice of the Prophet (pbuh), he did not approve of the practice. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said:

Whatever is cut-off from a living animal is [to be considered as] carrion. (Abu Dawood, Kitaab al-Sayd)

c) Regarding Dead Fish and Locusts

The word used in the Arabic language for carrion or the flesh of dead animals is (Maetah). In the Arabic language, the usage of this word is, traditionally, restricted. The word, for instance, is not used for dead fish or dead locusts.

Thus, Al-Zamakhshariy, the acknowledged linguist of the Arabic language, writes:

The word [for carrion] has been used [in the Qur’an] in its generally held connotation [rather than a literal connotation]. Notice, when someone says: “He ate ‘Maetah’ [i.e. carrion]”, this does not bring to mind someone eating a dead fish or a dead locust, just as when one says: ‘He drank blood’, this would not bring to mind someone eating liver or the spleen. Thus, it is precisely on the basis of the generally held connotations of words that Muslim jurists have said that if a person has vowed to avoid meat, but later on eats fish, his vow shall not be rendered broken, even though [in a literal sense] he has, in fact, eaten meat. (Al-Kashaaf, Vol. 1, Pg. 215)

It is precisely on this basis that the Prophet (peace be upon him ) is reported to have said:

Two animals even when dead and two kinds of blood are allowed for you to eat. As for the two animals that you can eat if they are dead, they are fish and locusts. As for the two bloods, they are liver and the spleen. (Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-At`imah)

This is precisely what the words: “Its [i.e. the sea’s] dead are allowable for eating” ascribed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) imply. The “dead of the sea” in this narrative ascribed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) is used for such fish of the sea, which were generally not construed by the word “Maetah” in the Arabic language, even though from a purely literal or a legal perspective, the word would apply to all dead animals.

Blood should be drained

The blood has to be drained completely before the head is removed. The purpose is to drain out most of the blood, which would otherwise serve as a good culture medium for micro organisms. Hence, for this purpose, the spinal cord must not be cut, otherwise the nerve fibbers to the heart would be damaged during the process causing cardiac arrest, resulting in stagnation of the blood in the blood vessels. In Islam flowing blood is impure and prohibited for food consumption. Among other reasons of flowing blood being impure, Blood is a good medium for germs, bacteria, toxins, etc. some are:

a) Flowing blood transfers nutrients to the tissue cells and returns with the waste products of the tissue cells. These waste products are harmful and are removed from the blood through the function of the kidneys.

b) Blood contains organisms, which are responsible for various diseases.

c) The presence of flowing blood in flesh causes the flesh to putrefy.

It is therefore necessary to purify the flesh of the animal from the impure flowing blood, by extracting maximum blood.

In Islamic Jurisprudence, Zabah is to cut the neck in order to severe the two jugular veins, the gullet and windpipe. It will suffice if any three of the four blood pipes are severed. The spinal cord should not be severed as it maintains connection between the brain and the body, which enables convulsion after slaughtering. Convulsion squeezes out the remaining blood in the body.

The Islamic procedure of Zabah enables maximum extraction of blood, within a close circuit. The purpose of extracting maximum blood has been explained. The purpose of rapid extraction of blood is to avoid blood clots. Aspects, removing flowing blood as well as avoiding blood clots are equally important to health.

To explain this further, I seek refuge in the verse of the Quran: 5:3 “Forbidden unto you (for food) are carrion and blood and swine -flesh. And that which hath been dedicated unto any other than Allah, and the dead through beating, and the strangled, and the dead through falling from a height, and that which hath been killed by (the goring of) horns and the devoured of wild beasts, saving that which ye make lawful (by the death-stroke), and that which have been immolated unto idols. And forbidden is that ye swear by the divining arrows. This is an abomination. This day are those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear ME! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have
chosen for you as religion AL-ISLAM. Whoso is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin; (for him) lo! Allah is forgiving merciful.” They ask thee (O Muhammad) what is made lawful for them. Say (all) good things are made lawful for you. And those beasts and birds of prey which ye have trained as hounds are trained, ye reach them that which Allah taught you; so eat of that which they catch for you and mention Allah’s name upon it, and observe your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is swift to take account (The Holy Qur’an 5: 4)

According to the Qur’an, of the things, which have normally been used by man for eating, the following are haraam or prohibited.

· Flesh of pig;

· Dead animals;

· Flowing blood; and

· Animals, which are not sacrificed in the name of God.

The Qur’an has itself given a few details regarding the second and the fourth category.

In case of the second category of prohibited meat, the Qur’an says that whatever has been the cause of the death of the particular animal, it is not suitable for eating; the only exception is that the animal was found dying, but was not actually dead and consequently it was slaughtered in the prescribed manner. The Qur’an has termed such “slaughtering in the prescribed manner” as “Zakkaitum”, meaning slaughtering in such a way that most of the blood flows out of the slaughtered body.


In case of the fourth category of prohibited meat, the Qur’an says that animals which are slaughtered at specific, revered places (like darbars, i.e., graves of saints and other places considered to be holy and sacred etc.) should also not be eaten. Furthermore, the Qur’an also prohibits eating such animals, which are slaughtered without taking the name of God.

These are the directives of the Qur’an regarding Haraam meat. Besides these categories, the Qur’an has allowed all other animals, which have normally been used for eating by man.
2. The validity of Zabah
i) The person male or female, performing the act of Zabah must be a sane Muslim.

ii) The name of Allah (tasmiyyah) must be pronounced before cutting. The instance on pronouncing the name of God before slaying an animal is meant to emphasize the sanctity of the life and the fact that all life belongs to God. Pronouncing the tasmiyyah induces feelings of tenderness and compassion and serves to prevent cruelty.

iii) The instrument used to perform Zabah must be extremely sharp to facilitate the quick cutting of the skin and severing of the windpipe and blood vessels so as to enable the blood to flow immediately and quickly; in other words, to bring about an immediate and massive haemorrhage.

d) The incision must be made in the neck at some point just below the glottis and the root of the neck.

e) ‘Zakkaytum’ is a verb derived from the root word ‘Zakaah’ (to purify). Its infinitive is ‘Tazkiyah’, which means purification. The Islamic mode of slaughtering an animal requires the following conditions to be met:

f) Meat slaughtered by Islamic way remains fresh for a longer time due to deficiency of blood in the meat as compared to other methods of slaughtering.

“Tazkiyyah” – An Essential First Condition

The words: “except those [among these animals, which] you properly slaughter”, at the end of the referred part of the cited verse of Al-Maaidah 5: 3 clearly evidence the fact that it is only the method of ‘proper slaughtering’ of all such animals which need to be slaughtered for eating that renders such animals fit for eating. This proper slaughtering of an animal in the Arabic language is called “Tazkiyyah”.

In the Arabic language, the term Tazkiyyah of an animal connotes draining of the blood from the animal through the infliction of an injury with a sharp-edged instrument, in such a way that the animal dies primarily due to loss of blood. In this manner, the body of the animal and its meat is completely relieved of the “uncleanness” of the blood. The two methods generally followed for attaining Tazkiyyah of an animal are known as “Zibh” or “Nah’r”. The former is generally used for the “Tazkiyyah” of animals like goats, sheep, cows, hens etc., while the latter is generally used in the case of animals like camels. In “Zibah”, an incision is made across the throat of the animal in such a way that its trachea (windpipe) and esophagus or the trachea and the jugular veins are severed. In “Nah’r”, on the other hand, the trachea of the animal is pierced with a sharp-pointed spear-like instrument in such a way that it results in a gushing discharge of the blood and,
in some time, renders the animal lifeless.

However, if due to any reason, it is not possible to adopt any of these two methods of attaining “Tazkiyyah”, and then it would suffice to use any other method of inflicting such an injury to the animal, which drains it of its blood. Once, when one of the companions of the Prophet (Peace be Upon him) asked him regarding what method of “Tazkiyyah” should one employ in a situation where he does not have a knife, the Prophet (Peace be Upon him) said:

Inflict an injury, which drains it of its blood, by whatever instrument you may and pronounce God’s name upon it. (Abu Dawood, Kitaab al-Dhuhaayaa)

Animals killed by arrows, gunshots or any other method should also be considered in the light of the above explanation. Moreover, if a trained hunting animal – like trained hounds or hunting birds – while retrieving the prey, injures and kills it, it would still be considered allowed for eating and shall not be considered carrion[1][11]. The Qur’an has clarified the issue in Al-Maaidah 5: 4. The Qur’an says:

“They ask you regarding what they are allowed to eat. Say: ‘All suitable things are allowed for you and also that which your hunting animals, whom you have taught of the knowledge that God gave you, [hunt for you]. Thus, eat of that which they have held back for you [without eating from it] and pronounce God’s name on this. Fear God [and obey His commandments, for] indeed God is swift in reckoning.” (The Holy Qur’an 5:4)

As is clear from the style and the context of the verse – especially the preceding verse in which the Qur’an had already prohibited all animals that die due to being attacked and [partly] eaten by a wild animal (except if they are found alive and slaughtered in the proper way) – that this verse is a response to the questions asked regarding the position of such a hunted animal, which is killed or which dies due to an injury or a wound that it may have suffered while being retrieved by a properly trained hunting animal. The Qur’an, in response to this question, has declared that when the prey is killed or fatally injured by a properly trained hunting animal, it may be eaten. This actually implies that, according to the Qur’an, such a killing or injuring by a properly trained hunting animal is a substitute for
other methods of attaining “Tazkiyyah” of the prey. However, in such a case, the Qur’an has qualified the permission with the condition that the trained hunting animal must not have eaten from the prey and should have held it back for its master. The words: “which they have held back for you” clearly point toward the stated condition. The Prophet (Peace be Upon him ) has clarified this condition, which was inherent in the referred verse as follows:

When you let your dog loose on a prey, pronounce God’s name at that time. If you find that the prey is still alive, then pronounce God’s name upon it, while slaughtering it, while if you find that the dog has killed it, but has not eaten any part of it, then you can eat it, because this is what it has held back for you. However, if you find that the dog has partly eaten it, then you should not eat it, for this is what it has held back for itself. And if you find other dogs with your dog, and you find that the dogs have killed the prey, even though they have not eaten from it, you should not eat it, for you cannot be sure which of the dogs may have killed it.

Limitations on the Prohibition of Blood

Blood, as is clear from all the cited verses of the Qur’an is also included in the list of prohibitions of the Shari`ah. The Qur’an, in one of the verses cited above (Al-An`aam 6: 45), has also clarified that it is only the flowing blood, which has been prohibited. The words (i.e. flowing or flown blood) clearly point to this fact. The phrase ‘flowing/flown blood’ is used in its generally implied and construed connotation. According to this connotation, liver and spleen are not included in blood, even though they may, in fact, be composed mainly of blood. Furthermore, any static blood that may remain in the veins of the animal would also not be included in the stated prohibition.

“Tasmiya” – An Essential Second Condition :

Slaughtering Without the Pronouncement of God’s Name


If an animal is not slaughtered in God’s name, even though it is not consecrated for other deities, it would still be grouped with the meat of animals consecrated for other deities and those slaughtered at shrines and altars. The Qur’an has termed refusal to take God’s name on animals as “a grave disobedience” and “a sacrilegious act” and has thus grouped it with consecrating animals for deities other than God and with sacrificing animals at shrines and altars.


The Qur’an, in Al-An`aam 6: 121, declares:

And do not eat of that upon [the slaughter of] which God’s name has not been pronounced, for that, indeed, is a grave disobedience. And these devils inspire their partners to debate with you, and if you [O people,] were to follow them, you would then, indeed, be polytheists.


Pronouncing God’s name, while sacrificing animals, implies the acknowledgement of God’s blessings, submission to His directives and being grateful and thankful toward Him. Obviously, no one other than God deserves to be included in this declaration; and a refusal to pronounce His name is clearly ingratitude and thanklessness toward Him. This pronouncement further implies the fact that life – even that of an animal – is sacred and sanctified. Our pronouncement of God’s name at the time of slaughter implies that it is only with God’s permission and His approval that we are depriving a living thing of its life. Seen from this perspective, refusal to take God’s name at the time of slaughter or adding names of false deities with that of God at this time is not only a sign of disrespect toward the life that is being taken but also toward the sole
source of all life – the One God. Finally, this pronouncement is also a sign of consecration of all life for the Sole Being that deserves this consecration. Slaughter, as is well known, has always been a part of worship rituals and a show of extreme reverence and salutations. Thus, the pronouncement of God’s name – and only His name – is a declaration to the effect that all salutations, all reverence and all worship is owed only to Him, Who is the sole source of all the blessings that we have been bestowed with.


If the pronouncement of God’s name is such an essential element in the slaughter ritual that its absence renders the animal prohibited in the Shari`ah, then, one might ask, what would be the position of an animal on the slaughter of which the pronouncement of God’s name has unintentionally been missed.

The referred verse of Al-An`aam, if closely examined, provides a clear answer to this question, as well. Those who know the Arabic language can easily appreciate that due to the word “Lum” the phrase (mimma Lum yuzkarismallah `alaiyhe) is no longer merely a simple negative clause. On the contrary, the word “Lum” has added a certain kind of stress in the negative aspect of this clause. Thus, now the phrase:

(mimma Lum yuzkarismallah `alaiyhe) would apply only to those animals upon the slaughter of which God’s name has intentionally not been pronounced or such pronouncement has been refused. In other words, the stated prohibition would not apply to a case where the pronouncement of God’s name has, unintentionally, been missed.


Moreover, another question that may arise in one’s mind relates to a situation of doubt. What should one do, if one is not certain whether God’s name has been pronounced on an animal or not? In such a situation, if the slaughterer is a Muslim or ascribes to any such other creed which considers the pronouncement of God’s name at the time of slaughter to be essential – as was the case of the Ahl e Kitaab (the Jews and the Christians) in the Arabian Peninsula, at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an and is still, generally, the case with the Jews and some Christians – then the meat would be eaten on the confidence that such a person would have pronounced God’s name on his slaughter. Muslim, in his compilation of narratives ascribed to the Prophet (pbuh), reports:


According to Ayesha (ra) people from amongst the Bedouins would bring us meat. We used to be unsure whether they had pronounced God’s name According to Ayesha (ra) people from amongst the Bedouins would bring us meat. We used to be unsure whether they had pronounced God’s name on such meat or not. The Prophet (pbuh), [when asked about such meat] said: ‘Pronounce God’s name upon the meat [as a Muslim should on every food] and eat it’.


On the contrary, if the slaughterer ascribes to a creed, which does not consider the pronouncement of God’s name at the time of slaughtering an animal to be essential, then, obviously, it would no longer be a matter of doubt regarding whether or not God’s name was pronounced on the animal. In such a case, a Muslim, because of the clear directives of the Shari`ah, should consider the meat prohibited for eating.


3. Abominable acts in slaying during Zabah

i) It is abominable to first cast the animal down on its side and sharpen the knife afterwards, or to kill one animal in the presence of another.

ii) It is abominable to let the knife reach the spinal marrow or to cut of the head of the animal.

iii) It is abominable to perform Zabah with a dull instrument. The Prophet commanded that knives should be sharpened and should be concealed from the animal to be slain.

In nut shell, Zibah is the method or the act of slaughter also known as zibah-al-Ikhtiyaariy by which an animal or a bird is slaughtered by a Muslim by saying shahada or tasmiya, Bismillah Allahu Akbar. If the slaughter is not done by zibah method, any meat or derivatives from such carasses can not be deemed to be halal or permissible for Muslims to consume. Requirements for zibah are:

1- Animal or bird should be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter.

2- Animal skin or fur, and bird feathers must be clean prior to slaughter and be free from faeces, mud or other unhygienic substances

3- Jugular vein, windpipe and carotid artery should be cut by a single swipe of a sharp knife, without damage to the spinal cord

4- Stunning is not used to kill the animal or the bird

5- A licensed Muslim slaughterer should slaughter by pronouncing shahada or tasmiya (when putting the knife on the throat of the bird of animal being slaughtered) Bismillah Allahu Akbar

6- Flowing blood should be drained out from the carcass by natural convulsion

4. The procedure of Zabah and pain / Slaughter procedures

The slaughterer must be an adult Muslim, and holder of a current slaughtering license

* The knife to be used must be razor sharp; the blade must be straight and smooth, and free from any serration, pits, notches or damage. The length of the blade must be at least four times the width of the neck of the animal to be slaughtered. The blade must not flex noticeably in use.

* The animal must not be anaesthetised, stunned, killed or otherwise rendered wholly insensible prior to slaughter. It must be conscious and alive when it is slaughtered.

* Poultry and other birds must be restrained either in an upright or prone position for slaughter.

* Lamb, sheep, goats, calves (of less than 60kg dead weight) and other similar sized animals must be placed on a cradle for slaughter.

* Larger bovines, equines, deer and similar sized animals must be restrained in a standing position for slaughter.

* The act of slaughter (Zibah-al-Ikhtiyaariy) must be done with a simple swipe across the neck. The cut should not be any deeper than necessary to sever the carotid artery, jugular vein and windpipe and must not sever the spinal cord. The slaughterer must pronounce aloud the Arabic words, Bismillah, AllahuAkbar (in the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest) in a reverential tone, when slaughtering.

* After being slaughtered, lambs, sheep, goats and other similar sized animals must be restrained in situ for at least 20 seconds. Bovine and other similarly sized animals must be restrained in situ for 60 seconds. Poultry and other bird must not be subjected to any further processing for at least 20 seconds. During the aforementioned period they must not be further injured, nor subjected to unnecessary stress or pain. Indeed it is desirable that efforts are made to clam them during this period.

* The slaughterer must clean the knife after slaughter of every animal or bird and must check that the knife still conforms to rule above. If damaged, the knife must be replaced. If it is no longer razor sharp, it must be sharpened, say, on a flat stone and approved by an HFA inspector before further use. Note that the knife must not be sharpened in sight of animals awaiting slaughter.

* The slaughterer or supervisor must ensure that all the flowing blood has been drained from the chicken or ovine or bovine carcass.

* The water used during the poultry de-feathering process must be at the lowest practical temperature in vogue.

* At the abattoir, slaughterhouse, distribution centre and retail outlets, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF), Meat Hygiene Commission (MHC), European Commission (EC) and local hygiene laws and regulations should always be adhered to, and strictly followed at every stage of the process.

Since the operation of Zabah is on an animal, which cannot talk, we have to use our perception of pain to determine whether the animal feels pain in the procedure of Zabah or not. The procedure has four stages
a) Cutting the skin
b) wound on the neck
c) bleeding
d) convulsion

1) A person who shaves, probably has the experience of cutting his skin sometime or the other, that is not painful.

2) Since the four blood vessels are cut, the animal becomes unconscious and does not feel pain.

3) Bleeding itself is not painful as can be understood by the contribution of a blood donor.

4) Convulsion is not painful as the animal is unconscious. This can be understood by the example of an epileptic. He does not feel any pain during epilepsy.

The Islamic procedure of Zabah collaborates with its literal meaning of Zabah purification. Purification in consumption is paramount importance for good health. Here I quote the famous saying of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him “Purification is half of faith. “

Islamic slaughtering of animals is a blessing to both the animal and to humans alike. In order for the slaughtering to be lawful, the one performing the deed must take several measures. This is to ensure the highest benefit to both the animal and the consumer. The swift cutting of vessels of the neck disconnects the flow of blood to the nerve of the brain responsible for pain. Thus the animal does not feel pain. While dying, the animal appears to struggle, writhe, shake and kick, not due to pain, but due to the contraction and relaxation of the muscles deficient in blood and due to the flow of blood out of the body. In this regard, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “God calls for mercy in everything, so be merciful when you kill and when you
slaughter: sharpen your blade to relieve its pain”.

The object used to slaughter the animal should be sharp and used swiftly. The swift cutting of vessels of the neck disconnects the flow of blood to the nerves in the brain responsible for pain. Thus the animal does not feel pain. The movements and withering that happen to the animal after the cut is made are not due to pain, but due to the contraction and relaxation of the muscles deficient in blood. The prophet (peace be upon him) also taught Muslims neither to sharpen the blade of the knife in front of the animal nor to slaughter an animal in front of others of its own kind.

The cut should involve the windpipe (trachea), gullet (esophagus), and the two jugular veins without cutting the spinal cord. This method results in the rapid gush of blood draining most of it from the animal’s body. If the spinal cord is cut, the nerve fibbers to the heart might be damaged leading to cardiac arrest thus resulting in stagnation of blood in the blood vessels. The blood must be drained completely before the head is removed. This purifies the meat by removing most of the blood that acts as a medium for microorganisms; meat also remains fresh longer as compared to other methods of slaughtering.

Therefore accusations of animal cruelty should very rightly be focused on those who do not use the Islamic way of slaughtering but prefer to use those methods which cause pain and agony to the animal and could also very well cause harm to those consuming the meat.

Slaughtering Without the Pronouncement of God’s Name

If an animal is not slaughtered in God’s name, even though it is not consecrated for other deities, it would still be grouped with the meat of animals consecrated for other deities and those slaughtered at shrines and altars. The Qur’an has termed refusal to take God’s name on animals as “a grave disobedience” and “a sacrilegious act and has thus grouped it with consecrating animals for deities other than God and with sacrificing animals at shrines and altars.

The Qur’an, in Al-An`aam 6: 121, declares:

And do not eat of that upon [the slaughter of] which God’s name has not been pronounced, for that, indeed, is a grave disobedience. And these devils inspire their partners to debate with you, and if you [O people,] were to follow them, you would then, indeed, be polytheists.

Pronouncing God’s name, while sacrificing animals, implies the acknowledgement of God’s blessings, submission to His directives and being grateful and thankful toward Him. Obviously, no one other than God deserves to be included in this declaration; and a refusal to pronounce His name is clearly ingratitude and thanklessness toward Him.

This pronouncement further implies the fact that life – even that of an animal – is sacred and sanctified. Our pronouncement of God’s name at the time of slaughter implies that it is only with God’s permission and His approval that we are depriving a living thing of its life. Seen from this perspective, refusal to take God’s name at the time of slaughter or adding names of false deities with that of God at this time is not only a sign of disrespect toward the life that is being taken but also toward the sole source of all life – the One God. Finally, this pronouncement is also a sign of consecration of all life for the Sole Being that deserves this consecration. Slaughter, as is well known, has always been a part of worship rituals and a show of extreme reverence and salutations. Thus, the pronouncement of God’s
name – and only His name – is a declaration to the effect that all salutations, all reverence and all worship is owed only to Him, Who is the sole source of all the blessings that we have been bestowed with.

If the pronouncement of God’s name is such an essential element in the slaughter ritual that its absence renders the animal prohibited in the Shari`ah, then, one might ask, what would be the position of an animal on the slaughter of which the pronouncement of God’s name has unintentionally been missed. The referred verse of Al-An`aam, if closely examined, provides a clear answer to this question, as well. Those who know the Arabic language can easily appreciate that due to the word “Lum” the phrase (mimma Lum yuzkarismallah `alaiyhe) is no longer merely a simple negative clause. On the contrary, the word “Lum” has added a certain kind of stress in the negative aspect of this clause. Thus, now the phrase: (mimma Lum yuzkarismallah `alaiyhe) would apply only to those animals upon the slaughter of which God’s name has intentionally not been pronounced or such pronouncement has been refused. In other words, the stated prohibition would not apply to a case where the pronouncement of God’s name has, unintentionally, been missed.

Moreover, another question that may arise in one’s mind relates to a situation of doubt. What should one do, if one is not certain whether God’s name has been pronounced on an animal or not? In such a situation, if the slaughterer is a Muslim or ascribes to any such other creed which considers the pronouncement of God’s name at the time of slaughter to be essential – as was the case of the Ahl e Kitaab (the Jews and the Christians) in the Arabian Peninsula, at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an and is still, generally, the case with the Jews and some Christians – then the meat would be eaten on the confidence that such a person would have pronounced God’s name on his slaughter. Muslim, in his compilation of narratives ascribed to the Prophet (peace be upon him ), reports:

According to Ayesha (ra) people from amongst the Bedouins would bring us meat. We used to be unsure whether they had pronounced God’s name on such meat or not. The Prophet (pbuh), [when asked about such meat] said: ‘Pronounce God’s name upon the meat [as a Muslim should on every food] and eat it’.

On the contrary, if the slaughterer ascribes to a creed, which does not consider the pronouncement of God’s name at the time of slaughtering an animal to be essential, then, obviously, it would no longer be a matter of doubt regarding whether or not God’s name was pronounced on the animal. In such a case, a Muslim, because of the clear directives of the Shari`ah, should consider the meat prohibited for eating.

c) Slaughter of the Polytheists and non-adherents to Creeds Based on the Teachings of a Prophet

To be grouped with the allowable animals, the animal should be slaughtered by a person, who believes in One God, does not ascribe false partners to Him and is an adherent and follower of any one of the known creeds that are based on the teachings of a true prophet of God. Thus, besides the animals slaughtered by the Muslims, the Qur’an has restricted the permission of edible meat to that of the animals slaughtered by the Ahl e Kitaab (i.e. the people of the Book – the Jews and the Christians). The Qur’an, in Al-Maaidah 5: 5, declares:

“Now, all suitable things have been rendered fit for you to eat and also the food of the people of the book is fit for you to eat and your food is fit for them.” (The Holy Qura’n 5:5)

It is quite clear that the factors, which make the Ahl e Kitaab distinct from other creeds and similar to the Muslims – due to which only their food, contrary to the other’s, has been rendered fit for the Muslims – are: 1) belief in God; 2) strict restraint from knowingly ascribing partners to God; and 3) ascribing to a creed that is based on the teachings of an established prophet of God. Thus, it logically follows that the absence of any of those factors, the presence of which in the Ahl e Kitaab qualifies their food as allowable for Muslims, shall render the food prohibited for Muslims. In other words, an animal slaughtered by a person, who:

does not believe in God; or

ascribes partners to the One God; or

is not an adherent to a creed that is based on the teachings of an established prophet of God

shall be grouped with those animals that entail a grave spiritual uncleanness and is, thus, prohibited for eating.

An Exception Regarding the Prohibitions

The aforementioned list of prohibitions is to be strictly followed under all circumstances. The only exception is where a person is forced by necessity into benefiting from any of the stated prohibitions. The Qur’an has, generally, referred to this exception in the following words (Al-Baqarah 2: 173):

“Nevertheless, whoever [eats of these things], due to being driven by necessity, intending neither sin nor transgression, there shall be no sin upon him. Indeed God is extremely Forgiving, Eternal in mercy.” (The Holy Qura’n 2:173)

The same words have been repeated in Al-Nahl 16: 115. However, in Al-Maaidah 5: 3, the Qur’an has altered the words by adding a slight clarification of the phrase ‘driven by necessity’. The related part of Al-Maaidah 5: 3 reads as:

“Then, whoever, being forced by hunger [eats of these things], without the inclination toward sin, then indeed God is very forgiving, eternal in mercy.” (The Holy Qura’n 5:3)

As is clear from the style and the words of this exception to the rules regarding the prohibitions, it refers to a situation where a person is forced to save his life by eating something which is clearly prohibited by the Shari`ah. However, even under such circumstances where a person is forced to take advantage of any of the express prohibitions of the Shari`ah, he should do so with dislike and abhorrence, rather than with the inclination of his heart.
This is what the words ‘intending neither sin nor transgression’ and ‘without the inclination toward sin’ imply in the two cited verses, respectively. The permission to take advantage of the express prohibitions of the Shari`ah, in the presence of these words, should be purely with the spirit to save one’s life, which obviously implies that it should be restricted to the quantity necessary to save one’s life and it should, under no circumstances, exceed this limit.

The Islamic Law (Shariah) at a Glance relating to edibles

The following section summarizes the directives of the Shari`ah relating to the lawful and the prohibited in edibles:

The basic guiding principle in considering an item prohibited/lawful for eating is that all things suitable for eating are permitted, while those, which are not suitable for eating should be refrained from. Man, through his natural instincts and inclinations, has generally taken the correct decision and is therefore not in need for an exhaustive list of items that he may or may not use as edible. Canines, birds of prey, such animals that due to their habit of eating filth develop a kind of stench in them, mules, horses, liquor and other intoxicants etc. belong to the category of things that man has generally not considered suitable for eating;

As a guidance regarding the things, which man may have mistaken as eatable, the Shari`ah has prohibited:

1.Carrion or the flesh of dead animals;


3.Flesh of swine; and

4. Anything consecrated for other deities.

Some explanations given by the Shari`ah regarding the prohibition of carrion include:

All animals that die in an accident or due to an injury shall be grouped with carrion;

1. Parts cut off from a living animal shall be grouped with carrion;

2. Dead fish and locusts shall not be grouped with carrion and can, therefore, be eaten;

3. ‘Tazkiyyah’ or the proper bleeding of an animal is an essential requirement for it to be considered allowable. Any animal that is killed without the fulfilment of the condition of ‘Tazkiyyah’ shall be grouped with carrion.

4. The animals that are retrieved by trained hounds, hunting birds or any other species trained for the purpose are allowed for eating, even if the animal is injured or killed by the retrieving hound or bird etc.

The prohibition of blood does not apply to:

1. Any static residual blood in the veins of a slaughtered animal; and

2 The liver and the spleen.

Some details given by the Shari`ah, regarding the prohibition of animals consecrated for other deities, include:

1. Animals slaughtered at shrines and altars are also prohibited;

2 Animals, on the slaughter of which God’s name is intentionally not pronounced are also prohibited; and

3. Animals slaughtered by polytheists and non-adherents to any creed, which is based on the teachings of an established prophet of God are also prohibited;

4. Any food earned through prohibited means (like stealing, gambling etc.) is prohibited;

5. If a person is driven by hunger, he may eat of any of these prohibited items to save his life. However, in so doing, the person should neither be inclined toward crossing the limits set by God, nor toward taking more than what is necessary to save his life;

6 All the listed items are prohibited only for use as edibles. Their parts may be brought under any other use, except as edibles.

Animal welfare and slaughter

The provisions of current UK and EC legislation according to health, welfare and slaughter of animals and poultry, as appropriate, must be complied with. A traceability certificate must be provided for beef slaughter

Every practical effort must be made to ensure that the animal is unstressed before being taken for slaughter

Each animal must be taken and slaughtered individually. Slaughtering, wherever possible must not be done in sight of others awaiting slaughter

At all stages, handling and restraining must be done with minimum amount of force. The aim must be to avoid causing unnecessary harm, pain and stress to the animal

The slaughterhouse and abattoir operators must ensure that the animal cannot come into contact with any non-halal animal before, during or after slaughter

The Islamic (halal) method of slaughter can be described as follows:
The animal has to be lawful to eat, alive, healthy, to be slaughtered only for the reason of food, in the name of The Creator, ALLAH (s.w.t) and not for any other reasons (it has to be well-fed, not thirsty handled and moved gently and individually).
The slaughter-man must be in possession of a clear mind and not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, trained in the job, with an awareness of what he is doing.
The act of slaughter (Al-Dhabh) starts by pronouncing the name of ALLAH (s.w.t), The Creator (BISMILLAH ALLAHU AKBAR ), to take His permission and in order to make the Slaughter-man accountable and responsible and to give compassion and mercy to the animal during this act. Besides, any action we do in our daily life should be commenced with the mention of the name of ALLAH (s.w.t ) The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.
The Qur’an says:
“And eat not of that where on ALLAH’s name has not been mentioned for verily it is abomination. (Surah Anam 6/121)
Then, by a very, very sharp knife (which should be kept like a surgeon’s knife in sharpness and cleanliness, as previously stated by DR Ghulam Khan (UFAW, 1971), a Deep swift cut done instantaneously and quickly to the blood vessels of the neck (the two caroid arteries which carry blood to the brain and head, the two jugular veins which bring blood from the brain back to the heart), the trachea (windpipe) and the oesophagus (gullet), but the central nervous system (the spinal cord) should be kept safe and intact (not cut).

This deep, large cut through all the blood vessels of the neck causes acute blood loss and haemorrhagic shock: we know the blood is under great pressure, especially in the big carotid arteries (systolic pressure ) and at high speed and, according to physical law, the pressure always goes from the high to low resistance – the point of the cut is the scene of low resistance for blood to and from the brain. As we have a fully intact, alive heart, so most of the blood is going to be pumped and poured out instantaneously and quickly under pressure leading to a rapid fall in the blood pressure. Thus depriving the brain of its main source of oxygen and glucose, and with no blood which is necessary to keep the animal alive and functioning and able to deal with any perceptive sensation this leads to anoxia and almost
immediate loss of consciousness (anesthetization or “stunning”). The cerebrospinal fluid pressure falls even more rapidly than the blood pressure because of the jugular veins being cut, and these results in a deep shock and more loss of consciousness

The Qualifications of a Halal slaughter man

The slaughterer must be an adult Muslim, and holder of a current slaughtering license

* The knife to be used must be razor sharp; the blade must be straight and smooth, and free from any serration, pits, notches or damage. The length of the blade must be at least four times the width of the neck of the animal to be slaughtered. The blade must not flex noticeably in use.

* The animal must not be anaesthetised, stunned, killed or otherwise rendered wholly insensible prior to slaughter. It must be conscious and alive when it is slaughtered.

* Poultry and other birds must be restrained either in an upright or prone position for slaughter.

* Lamb, sheep, goats, calves (of less than 60kg dead weight) and other similar sized animals must be placed on a cradle for slaughter.

* Larger bovines, equines, deer and similar sized animals must be restrained in a standing position for slaughter.

* The act of slaughter (Zibah-al-Ikhtiyaariy) must be done with a simple swipe across the neck. The cut should not be any deeper than necessary to sever the carotid artery, jugular vein and windpipe and must not sever the spinal cord. The slaughterer must pronounce aloud the Arabic words, Bismillah, AllahuAkbar (in the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest) in a reverential tone, when slaughtering.

* After being slaughtered, lambs, sheep, goats and other similar sized animals must be restrained in situ for at least 20 seconds. Bovine and other similarly sized animals must be restrained in situ for 60 seconds. Poultry and other bird must not be subjected to any further processing for at least 20 seconds. During the aforementioned period they must not be further injured, nor subjected to unnecessary stress or pain. Indeed it is desirable that efforts are made to clam them during this period.

* The slaughterer must clean the knife after slaughter of every animal or bird and must check that the knife still conforms to rule above. If damaged, the knife must be replaced. If it is no longer razor sharp, it must be sharpened, say, on a flat stone. Note that the knife must not be sharpened in sight of animals awaiting slaughter.

* The slaughterer or supervisor must ensure that all the flowing blood has been drained from the chicken or ovine or bovine carcass.

* The water used during the poultry de-feathering process must be at the lowest practical temperature in vogue.

* At the abattoir, slaughterhouse, distribution centre and retail outlets, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF), Meat Hygiene Commission (MHC), European Commission (EC) and local hygiene laws and regulations should always be adhered to, and strictly followed at every stage of the process.



I have heavily relied on various researches in this field. The following are a few references:

1. Assesment of The Muslim Method of Slaughtering
… Presented by Dr. Abdul Majid Katme, (Chairman of the Islamic Medical Association in the UK Dr.A.Majid Katme Chairman, Islamic Medical Association31 North Circular Road, Palmers Green, London N13 5EG, UK Tel & Fax: 0208 345 6220) at the UFAW* Symposium on Humane Slaughter and Euthanasia, held at the Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, on the 18th and 19th September, 1986. cached | more results from this site I am very grateful to Dr Abdul Majid Katme to allow me to quote from his research article and use his references.

2. slaughtering and hunting of animals Islamic laws.1997
3. Naik, Zakir Islamic way of slaughtering looks cruel
4. Aisha El-Awady has a bachelor’s degree in medicine from Cairo University and is currently working as instructor of Parasitology in the Faculty of Medicine. She may be contacted at

5. Impact International magazine: 23 August 1985 and 26th September 1985 and 10 October 1985.

My medical comparative study on stunning

Published / by admin
My medical comparative study on stunning






Presented by Dr. Abdul Majid Katme, (Chairman of the Islamic Medical Association in the UK) at the UFAW* Symposium on Humane Slaughter and Euthanasia, held at the Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, on the 18th and 19th September, 1986.

*Universities Federation for animal Welfare (in association with the Humane Slaughter Association).

In the name of ALLAH, the Beneficent, the Merciful




I would prefer to call this talk ‘An up-to-date assessment of the Islamic method of slaughter’ as the Islamic view towards slaughter is what we would like to discuss here today; Islam has got permanent fixed rules and teachings which do not change with time but Muslims sometimes, especially when they are not practicing, do not adhere properly and strictly to the code of Islam.

Before going into this subject, I think it would be wise, for the benefit of this large, non-Muslim audience, to give an idea about Islam, a faith with 1.5-2 million followers here in the UK. I am sure that this explanation about our background will clarify many of the issues which we would like to raise during the talk today and will make you understand the importance and wisdom behind our Islamic Law in connection with slaughtering of animals for food.

Islam is the last, and final religion, after Judaism and Christianity. Muhammad, peace be upon him, was the last Prophet giving this message to mankind. The word Islam means voluntary, total and full submission to the words and orders of the creator, ALLAH (s.w.t) the one and only creator, the creator of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them). Islam is a full, comprehensive religion and code of life which contains all the instructions for the different aspects of life – health, nutrition economic, education, science, morality etc. – for the individual male and female, for the family and for the society at large. Its rules and orders are permanently fixed, forever, applying to any one place at any one time.

We therefore believe that religious law should not be interfered with by any authority.

The two basic references for Muslim laws are:

  • The Qur’an (The final Book of Revelation, revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).
  • The Sunnah [sayings, actions and behavior of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).]

ALLAH (s.w.t) is the Creator of the universe, our bodies – with its anatomy and physiology – and the Creator of all the animals.The same Creator has given us the appropriate laws, especially in connection with food and diet, which will never, ever, lead to any contradiction or any suffering or ill-health. The laws of real science go hand in hand with the laws of ALLAH (s.w.t)

Food and dietary laws are an important part of Islam and we have all the details about:

  • what food to eat and drink
  • what food and drink to avoid;
  • how to eat and drink (i.e. etiquette);
  • when to eat and drink
  • what animals to eat and
  • which ones to avoid;
  • how to slaughter the animals.

All this, and a lot more, have been stated and explained in the Qur’an and by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in his sayings and practice and to eat halal (lawful) food is a form of worship, like prayer.

Mercy is another characteristic of Islam:

  • mercy to all animals;
  • to children; to women;
  • to the elderly,
  • and even to plants.
  • A person can go to paradise for feeding a thirsty dog! A person can go to hell for starving a cat!

Health is also another characteristic embedded in all the teachings and instructions of Islam. Anything halal (lawful) will lead you to good health, free from disease and suffering; conversely, anything haram (unlawful) will inevitably lead to disease and suffering of one kind or another. For example adultery leads to venereal diseases and other problems; homosexuality leads to AIDS, etc.; alcohol abuse gives brain damage, liver disease and many other medical, psychological and social problems (all these are forbidden).

Fourteen hundred years ago, Islam talked about the relationships between diet and disease by encouraging the Halal (lawful) diet and drink. Allow me to establish a few basic facts in Islam, which are relevant to our subject today. It is forbidden to consume blood, in any form, and, medically, we know that blood is harmful to health. As it contains toxins and urea, and may contain bacteria, parasites viruses new chemicals and drugs etc. Besides this, blood can lead to poisoning when still in meat to be consumed.

It is also forbidden in the Old and New Testaments to cosume blood.

The Bible says: –

“And they smote the Philistines that day from Mishmash to Aijalon: and the people were very faint. And the people flew upon the spoil, and took: sheep, and oxen. And calves, and slew them on the ground: and the people did eat them with the blood. Then they told Saul. Saying. Behold, the people sin against the Lord. In that they eat with the blood. And he said. Ye have transgressed: roll a great stone unto me this day. And Saul said. Disperse yourselves among the people, and say unto them. Bring me hither every man his ox. And every man his sheep. And slay them here, and eat: and sin not against the Lord in eating with the blood.”

(Samuel 15: 31-34).

“Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life: and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh. Thou shalt not eat it. thou shalt pour it upon the earth as water.”

(Deuteronomy 12:23-24)

It is forbidden to eat the meat of an animal, which has died before being slaughtered (by any kind of stunning, strangulation – chemical or physical -, a blow to the head -concussion or percussion -, or due to a fall etc.) Only meat killed in the Halal (lawful) way is allowed to be consumed (dead meat with all the clotted blood in it is very harmful to health).

ALLAH (s.w.t) says in the Qur’an ‘Forbidden to you (for food) are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine and that over which has been invoked other than the name of ALLAH (s.w.t) that which has been killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a headlong fall or by being gored to death; that which has been partly eaten by a wild animal, unless you are able to slaughter it (in due form) and that which is sacrificed on stone (altars).

( Surah Al-Maida 5/3)

It is also forbidden (Haram) to eat carnivorous animals such as lions, tigers, etc., carnivorous birds like eagles and hawks, scavengers like vultures, mules, donkeys, rats, mice, dogs, cats and frogs. Some seafood’s, however, are allowed (halal) Eating meat is not compulsory in Islam, but highly recommended. Slaying animals for food has been described, clearly, by the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him), in his saying,

‘Verily, Allah (s.w.t) has prescribed proficiency in all things; thus, if you kill, kill well and if you slaughter, slaughter well. Let each one of you sharpen his blade and let him spare suffering to the animal he slaughters’

(Sahih Muslim).

In addition, it has been practiced by him (the Prophet) in the most perfect and humane way (and he is a Prophet and a model to follow).

The Islamic View Of the Animals:

Again, to make you understand the religious concept of slaughtering, I would like to give you a brief idea about how Islam views animals and what the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad. (peace be upon him) have said about the animal kingdom and its place in Islamic teaching.

The biggest chapter in the Qur’an is Al-Baqarah (The Cow). It contains 286 verses, many of which are verses of guidance and Islamic instruction for the believers.

Other chapters of the Qur’an with titles related to the animal kingdom are:

  • Cattle, Bees, Ants, Spider, Elephant.

According to the Muslim scholars and scientists, these titles and names of the animals carry behind them some wisdom and interesting, meaningful ideas. Look at how these animals have the honor to have chapters of the Holy Book named after them!

There are also other animal names mentioned in the Qur’an with the stories relevant to them:

  • camel, mule, donkey, horse, snake, locusts, whale, pig, fox, house-fly, carnivorous animals and birds, frog, bird, calf, fish, sheep, monkey, lice, dog, goat, bee and many others.

Preservation of the species was done a long time ago by ALLAH’s (s.w.t) order in Noah’s Ark, without which we would not know of any animals in our lives today. This is also a reminder for us to preserve the species in our lifetime and at any one time.Animals were created before mankind.

All animals are created for the benefit of man (and there should be a kind, loving relationship and treatment given by man to them).

Animals can be used, gently and kindly in the way that they have been created, i.e. you do not ride a cow The behavior of each animal is a sign of the Excellent Maker and Creator.

Each animal has the right to sanctity of life and this life is taken from some by the permission of ALLAH (s.w.t) and for good reasons only for food, by the most humane and merciful ways of killing.

ALLAH (s.w.t) says in the Qur’an:

‘There is not an animal on Earth nor a bird that flies by its wings, but they are community like you.’

(The Cattle, 6/38)

The word “Community” is very interesting; here we say ‘Chinese Community, Turkish Community’ and we imply that this community has its own natural habits, language and special way of communication, special ways of food and eating, in recreation and mating, rearing their offspring and each one is respected individually with his or her own rights. This key-word ‘community’ was mentioned 1,400 years ago in the Qur’an to stimulate mankind to study all the different behavior and needs and to respect the rights of the animals.

The Qur’an says, ‘they are a community like you.’ So the rights of the animals in Islam, and their need for normal physiological behavior are::

  • Food (no genetically modified food) and drink (healthy, natural), suckling;
  • Facilities for normal elimination (defecation and urination);
  • Facilities for normal standing, walking, running and flying;
  • Facilities for normal mating and copulation (with no outside interference of their reproductive system) and normal rearing of their offspring (full motherhood and no separation of mother and baby); no beating, cruelty or any harsh treatment to be treated individually with full respect for the body;
  • Facilities for recreation; resting, dozing, lying-down and play facilities;
  • Facilities for social behavior;
  • Full sleeping facilities and protection from harsh weather;
  • Facilities for individual comfort; grooming, playing etc.

There should be full recognition of the psychological needs; animals should not be slaughtered in front of others nor should the knife be sharpened before them; the baby should not be forcibly removed from the mother.

The welfare of the animals must come first, before monetary profit.

It is forbidden in Islam, to kill an animal in a cruel way or for pleasure, to use an animal as a target, to cut a part of it whilst still alive or finally, to set animals fighting against each other.

The above points are why Islam is against the following: battery cage (factory farming), fox hunting, bull fighting, cock fighting, dog fighting, using the animals for targets, culling seals, killing frogs, caging the animal, most vivisection. the abuse of drugs in animals and the interference with their organs sexuality [castration, sterility etc.(reproduction)]

As you know, all of these problems of cruelty to animals are endemic and epidemic in the Western society so you can see that there is a lot to do today in order to relieve the suffering of animals. This is especially so as the complaints have been arriving, day after day (about 50,000) of animal cruelty and the RSPCA have been treating more than 192.000 animals per year, due to men’s cruelty!

We believe that a God-conscious personality is the best defense against human cruelty to animals and I am sure that this would save the RSPCA a lot of work.

The Islamic method of slaughtering animals for food (DHABH)

In the beginning I would like to mention that the words of ALLAH [the Creator and the Legislator (swt)]are the absolute; 100 per cent right, 100 per cent safe and 100 per cent humane and cannot be put to test or examination by a human who is created, who is limited in his outlook and who cannot see or know everything. However, true scientific study can discover, sometimes, the wisdom and reason behind some Divine teachings or orders.

I am talking now about a religious belief, and human right which cannot be justified by philosophical argument of scientific testing or human debate or false assumptions and wrong conclusions. However to our surprise, when we have looked to our Islamic method of slaughter, and looked also to the other methods of slaughter today, and tried to make comparisons or, as they say, an ‘up-to-date assessment’ we were surprised to discover many of the good reasons behind our method and their signs of their Divine source and to also discover the failures, problems, harm and suffering of all the other methods which are man-made and which have been shown by many scientists in their study and research.

Before going into the detail of the Islamic method of slaughter, please allow me to mention and discuss together what the best method of slaughter is, generally.

I am sure that you will agree with me that the best method of slaughter should have the following criteria:

  • Allows for draining most of the blood out;
  • Causes no stress to the animal;
  • Does not cause death before the actual slaughter;
  • Found with no fault in any scientific study;
  • Proved to be humane’ , causing no “pain” or suffering or cruelty, even to a few individual animals;
  • Causes no damaging or harmful effects to the quality of the meat;
  • Found to be a sure way of death (reliable);
  • Found to be irreversible (slowly and gradually progressing to death);
  • With only one way of killing (direct method);
  • To be practical and realistic; quick and easy to perform in any society, in any place;
  • ‘Very economical’ (not a lot of machinery and equipment, etc.);
  • Being more familiar to the animal, with less machinery and restraint (with a less threatening atmosphere);
  • Safe to perform (no electricity, gas or shocks, etc.);
  • Accepted by the community consuming the meat;
  • Liked by the slaughter man, with no psychological ill-effects on him;
  • Blessed for the believers by ALLAH (s.w.t).

Blackmore (1982) has identified the important factors which should be considered when choosing the most suitable method of slaughter as: humane aspects; capital and running costs; ease of operation and operator safety; secondary effects on the carcass and by-product quality, statutory and religious requirements.

In the light of these important factors, I have been expanding the criteria as shown above, to try to make the matter easier to understand. I would like you to remember these points and check them very well with the Islamic method of slaughter and the other methods of slaughter used today.

The Islamic (halal) method of slaughter can be described as follows:

The animal has to be lawful to eat, alive, healthy, to be slaughtered only for the reason of food, in the name of The Creator, ALLAH (s.w.t) and not for any other reasons (it has to be well-fed, not thirsty handled and moved gently and individually).

The slaughter-man must be in possession of a clear mind and not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, trained in the job, with an awareness of what he is doing.

The act of slaughter (Al-Dhabh) starts by pronouncing the name of ALLAH (s.w.t), The Creator (BISMILLAH ALLAHU AKBAR ), to take His permission and in order to make the Slaughter-man accountable and responsible and to give compassion and mercy to the animal during this act. Besides, any action we do in our daily life should be commenced with the mention of the name of ALLAH (s.w.t ) The Most Kind, The Most Merciful.

The Qur’an says:

“And eat not of that where on ALLAH’s name has not been mentioned for verily it is abomination.

( Surah Anam 6/121)

Then, by a very, very sharp knife (which should be kept like a surgeon’s knife in sharpness and cleanliness, as previously stated by DR Ghulam Khan (UFAW, 1971), a Deep swift cut done instantaneously and quickly to the blood vessels of the neck (the two caroid arteries which carry blood to the brain and head, the two jugular veins which bring blood from the brain back to the heart), the trachea (windpipe) and the oesophagus (gullet), but the central nervous system (the spinal cord) should be kept safe and intact (not cut).

This deep, large cut through all the blood vessels of the neck causes acute blood loss and haemorrhagic shock: we know the blood is under great pressure , especially in the big carotid arteries (systolic pressure ) and at high speed and, according to physical law, the pressure always goes from the high to low resistance – the point of the cut is the scene of low resistance for blood to and from the brain. As we have a fully intact, alive heart, so most of the blood is going to be pumped and poured out instantaneously and quickly under pressure leading to a rapid fall in the blood pressure. Thus depriving the brain of its main source of oxygen and glucose, and with no blood which is necessary to keep the animal alive and functioning and able to deal with any perceptive sensation this leads to anoxia and almost immediate loss of consciousness (anesthetization or “stunning” ). The cerebrospinal fluid pressure falls even more rapidly than the blood pressure because of the jugular veins being cut, and this results in a deep shock and more loss of consciousness.

The animal, at this stage after the cut, is in a stable and quiet state with no movement or any distressed behavior. One would assume, if there was any pain or suffering, it would kick, move or show signs. After this short resting phase, and because the brain is deprived of oxygen and blood due to the huge amount of bleeding, the heartbeats increase in order to increase the flow of blood to the brain and other deprived areas. Tonic and clonic involuntary contractions and convulsions start and occur as automatic physiological reflexes in order to send and push blood up, especially to the brain. These contractions and convulsions are ‘painless’ (not, as the layman would imagine, that the kicking is due to the pain) especially when the animal is already unconscious and still has an intact spinal cord with safe nerve centers to the limbs, muscles and organs. So, we have a huge amount of bleeding from the initial cut then blood loss is continuing with the squeezing pressure of these contractions and convulsions, leading to maximum bleeding-out and less retention of blood in the carcass, giving a better quality of meat [both safer and healthier (this is like direct method of slaughter, “but without stunning”)].

I would like to end this section of my talk with at least one testimony from, for example, Lord Horder GCVO, MD, FRCP, who explained this type of slaughtering scientifically (and without the use of stunning):

‘The animal loses consciousness immediately. It is difficult to conceive a more painless and rapid mode of death; for a few seconds after the cut is made, the animal makes no movement its body is then convulsed, the convulsive movements continue for about a minute and then cease. The interpretation of this fact is clear: the cut is made by a knife so sharp and so skillfully handled that a state of syncope with its associated unconsciousness follows instantaneously upon the severing of the blood pressure. The movement of the animal which begins at about 90 seconds are epileptiform in nature and are due to the blood-less state of the brain (cerebral ischemia with complete anoxaemia). Sensation has been abolished at the moment of the initial syncope.’

Of course, there have been many other statements by eminent scientists giving the same explanations and conclusions about the direct act of slaughtering such as DR Leonard Hill (1923), Sir Lovatt Evans, Professor Harold Burrow, I M Levingen (1979), Professor F R Bell. Mr. Openshaw, Mr. Hayhurst etc. (Some are quoted, in Impact Magazine 1985).

Let me quote Prof. Leonard Hill, F.R.C.V.S, who strongly believed and expressed his views in his article – that the incision applied in the Ritual Slaughter causes no pain. Any Surgeon today knows that sudden big injuries are not felt at the time of infliction. Pain comes later when the wound is (septic, and) inflamed. Structures beneath the skin apart from isolated sensory nerve endings are insensitive to the knife.

Apart from the clear Divine laws and orders to us, and the clear physiological and scientific evidence, I would like to mention one golden rule in Islam which, again, fits into the perfection of mercy to every individual animal.

The rule states “Any action or method which will definitely lead to some harm damage or suffering is to be rejected or, any action which can be suspected to lead to a prohibited act is also to be rejected (e.g. eating dead animals or consuming blood etc.). So any method of slaughtering which can give us more blood or a dead animal [before the cut (for slaughtering) is made] is rejected”

Two facts are indisputably established by the above Professor:

a) That a big injury such as throat cutting is not felt at the moment of infliction.
b) That the cutting of big arteries in the throat instantly arrests the circulation in the brain and abolishes consciousness.

Prof. Charles Lovett Evans, F.R.C.V.S., has this to say:-

” As anyone who has ever witnessed the act is well aware, the animal lies absolutely still the moment the vessels arc cut, and it is only a minute or so later that asphyxia! convulsions set in. Consciousness we know is lost long before this ” .

” On physiological principles, it is clear that when such large vessels are severed the arterial blood pressure falls at once to a very low level, moreover the carotid arteries being severed, much of the blood supply to the brain is immediately lost and the result is immediate loss of consciousness. To consider that the animal suffers pain is, in my opinion, quite absurd. I consider the method to be equal to any “.

Prof. Leonard Hill says that no death could be more merciful, taking into account that the animal unlike man, has no knowledge or fear of impending death. The death is as quiet and merciful as that inflicted on murderers by hanging; to them, of course, the whole of this agony is in the advancing fear of death which is dated and timed and known to the victim.

Methods of slaughter used today

1.The captive bolt pistol
used commonly for cattle, calves and goats. It is the shooting, by a gun or pistol in the forehead (mechanical method) by a blank cartridge or compressed air. It could be penetrating or non-penetrating (percussion stunning). It breaks the skull, shatters and destroys the brain. A rod of steel is introduced in the skull hole to smash, cut and destroy the brain [pithing:now to be prohibited in UK and Europe by January 2001]. All this occurs before the real slaughtering cut is made. Recently, a new method by which a steel needle to penetrate the skull and brain and in which air is injected to cause intercranial pressure has been developed.

Problems, harm and results of this method have been reported in different scientific and Government reports, as follows:

  • Improper stunning (failure of stunning leading to re-stunning and double shots (FAWC 1982 and 1984);
  • Paralysis of the animal while still conscious (FAWC 1982 and 1984);
  • ‘Depressed skull fracture’ and considerable damage to the brain (FAWC 1984);
  • Brain contamination (Blackmore 1979);
  • Blood splash (extranvasation of blood from vessels Into muscle and meat with some clotting of the blood) (Blackmore 1979);
  • Brain hemorrhage (Blackmore 1979);
  • Bruising and injuries from the heavy fall of the animal after the shot;
  • Death reported by Lawton (1971); Temple Grandin (1980) stated that tests on sheep and calves indicated that penetrating captive bolt stunning actually kills the animal;
  • Damage or harm to the meat. Marple (1977) stated ‘Captive bolts should be discontinued in view of theirdetrimental effect on meat quality. (Quoted by Biala 1983)

We know that this method is still widely practiced, especially in the UK!

2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
it is done by moving the animal through a room which contains a mixture of CO2 and air (about 65/70% CO2 by volume). It is used only for pigs. It is a form of chemical strangulation. CO2 is a harmful gas to be inside the body.

Problems and harm reported include;

  • Considerable, unacceptable stress (violent excitation, general agitation and convulsions).
  • ‘CO2 stunning is more stressful than either properly applied electrical or captive bolt stunning’ (Temple Grandin 1980).
  • Suffocation, strangulation and death to the animal before the cut; death was reported by Glen (1971).
  • Toxic effect of the gas on the blood and physiology.
  • It is definitely a cruel way for the animal and I would like to quote here also from FAWC (1984) when they discussed pain; ‘It is doubtful whether the animal feels pain or is even conscious’. This method has been banned in Holland and many other European countries

3. Electrical Stunning
could be to head and brain only or to head and back or to the legs, and there are three varieties:

a. Low Voltage Electrical Stunning
by a pair of scissors-like tongs with circular or rectangular electrodes which are usually immersed in a saline solution then applied to the side of the head. Voltage is not less than 75 volts (50 Hz mains frequency) for not less than seven seconds.

Problem and harm with this method include:

  • It is cruel, by giving an electric shock directly, with no anesthesia;
  • paralysis while the animal is conscious (pain);
  • doubt about the effect and feeling of pain;
  • unreliable: missed shots and re-stunning;

Recovery of the animal usually occurs within 30-40 seconds. Electric stunning only induces paralysis, not unconsciousness, leaving the animal helpless but completely conscious to pain. (E.H. Callow from his book ‘Food Hygiene)

Some scientists and physiologists have expressed serious misgivings; some are of the opinion that the animal is merely paralyzed by the electric current and so prevented from making a sound or a movement while fully conscious and experiences great pain as the current passes through its body. Such views are shared by the following Professors and Scientists:

a) Prof. A.C. Ivey (North Western University of America)

b) Prof. M.J. Hertz, of France

c) Prof. Roos & Koopmans, Holland.

Stunning does not first involve passing an electric current through the animal’s body. The magnitude of the current passed must be adequate; voltage of higher rating could lead to bone fractures. Voltage of lower rating produces electric convulsions without inducing unconsciousness. A lower voltage rating needs longer application and this being a matter of judgment, the human element could lead to failure. The variations in the sizes of animals and their individual resistance to the current are also important considerations.

Let me quote the following petition of Meat Packers in Denmark to the Danish Government:-

Stunning with electricity causes extravasation in the meat, sanguinary intestines and fractures in the spinal column, pelvis, shoulder blades, through the shock. The blood in the meat makes it more susceptible to putrefaction and has detrimental effect on taste.”

b. High Voltage Electric Stunning by using an electric shock of 300-400 volts, commonly used for pigs and sheep.

Problems and harm with this method:

  • It is very cruel by giving a high electric shock (electrocution to a conscious animal).

As a doctor, I have been practicing for more than 10 years and giving electric shocks (‘stunning’) (Electro-Convulsive Therapy – ECT) to patients (WITH MENTAL ILLNES) but only after a general anaesthetic. The Medical Council would strike my name from the Register if I should ever dare to give ECT without anaesthesia because it is very cruel to do so. I wonder, is it not cruel to do this to an animal too? Although the voltage used in ECT is smaller than that used for animals, is it not still cruel?

“Electric stunning of calves by the ‘head only’ method is inhumane in all circumstances”. (Blackmore 1982);

  • Ventricular fibrillation, cardiac inhibition, cardiac disfunction, cardiac arrest and death; “Head to back stunning induced a cardiac arrest in all the sheep”. (Gregory and Wotton, 1984);
  • Bone-shattering;
  • Stress: “>From a physiological standpoint, the stunned animal is more highly stressed”. (Althen 1977 quoted by Temple Grandin 1980);
  • High level of blood splashing in the carcass (Gilbert, Blackmore, and Warrington); Electric stunning raised the blood pressure by 31/2 times”
  • Pain and sensation;

I would like to quote, ‘It is difficult to determine the sensitivity of an animal to pain during the first few seconds of stunning while the electric current is applied.’ (FAWC 1984)

I also quote Baldwin 1971 (quoted by Biala 1983): “The question whether the animal is suffering pain during the period of consciousness in not so readily appropriate to objective experimental investigation”.

Electrified Water Bath for Poultry Stunning
‘The birds are suspended on the shackle (upside down) then the head is intended to come into contact with the water and the passage of an electric shock through the brain’. (FAWC 1982)

Problems and harm with this method:

  • A very cruel way to give the electric shock, especially in this uncomfortable position;
  • Drowning and suffocation resulting in death.
  • It was well-documented that some birds were taken, still alive to the scalding tank (to remove the skin and feathers) (Heath et al 1983). “One-third of the birds are dead (mitah) in the stunner and one-third are not stunned”. (FAWC 1982).
  • Death from the stunner;

A substantial number were killed as a result of the shock from the stunner”. (24% dead in UK, MAFF 1999, 17 to 37% in USA) In this report, they emphasized, clearly, eight reasons why stunning may not be satisfactory (please see the report for details)].

  • Paralysis by failure of stunning.
  • With regard to pain, apart from the above suffering, the FAWC reported “a substantial number maystill be sensitive to pain”.

I would like conclude this aspect of pain by quoting from the same poultry report of the FAWC;

The physiological aspects of the stunning of poultry are not well understood and criteria for establishing insensitivity to pain, suitable for use in working condition, may well be unreliable”.


As we have seen in all these methods of slaughtering today, the following are prevalent and are taken from 36 scientific studies and research papers:*

  • Stress to the animal (in at least 7 studies)
  • Death before sticking (in at least 7 studies)
  • Harmful effects in the quality of the meat (in at least 4 studies)
  • Internal hemorrhage, blood splash, speckle, salt and pepper hemorrhage as a result of stunning (in at least 8 studies)
  • Pain (shown in at least 10 scientific studies) which throws doubt on the ability to measure pain in the animal and hints that the animal may be suffering pain in the different methods of slaughter used.
  • EEG (Electro-encephalograph): there are at least 7 studies which throw doubt on thevalidity of this measure that the animal is conscious or has lost consciousness.

We still do not understand Stunning; what it does exactly and how it stuns the animal (even in ECT for the human, we also do not know what it does and how it works). We are still unable to define pain and sensation of the animal (and we will be unlikely to do so) and to understand the loss of consciousness and its relation to pain.

I would like to quote Gregory and Wotton (1985): ‘There is as yet no unequivocable scientific evidence which shows how electrical stunning stuns an animal’.

Also, they said,There is no information on the brain (glucose and oxygen thresholds) required to support consciousness and memory retention respectively.’

Many scientists opposed to the use of stunning: Van der Wal –78, Wernberg –79, Mcloughlin –71, Pollard –73, winstanley –81, and Marple –77, etc.

With regard to Pain. I would like to quote from the FAWC Report (1985), ‘There is a lack of scientific evidence to indicate at what stage in the process of losing consciousness the ability to feel pain ceases.’

More research should be undertaken to establish:

  • Signs which indicate that the animal is completely insensible,
  • To what extent reflex actions and movements post-stunning and sticking indicate an awareness of pain.’ (FAWC 1985)

I also quote Baldwin 1971, (quoted by Biala1983):”The question whether thr animal is suffering pain during the period of consciousness is not so readily appropriate to objective experimental investigation”.

On the 3rd April 1985, The Guardian stated, in an article ‘Second Opinion’ about Pain; by any other definition, ‘The Government stated in its White Paper (Cmnd 8883) about measuring pain in an animal. ‘there is, and can be, no definition of the term’.

The Times newspaper similarly has mentioned, on the 3rd September 1984, in an article entitled “Animals and experiments, Government’s Bill will lead to new guidelines on pain” How can anyone know the extent of the pain an animal is suffering? … There is no means of measuring pain … a measurement of pain in not possible.’(with all this ignorance… How can any one be sure … and accuse us of inflicting pain to the animal and be cruel!)

It is clearly, beyond any doubt, the least to say that the assumption of stunning is questionable, and it is quite unfair for the RSPCA, FAWC and others to attack Muslims (and Jews), criticizing their slaughtering methods, and to recommend new laws, enforcing stunning, which have no scientific basis and are unreliable, owing to the problems, harm and cruelty resulting from its practice. (People in glass houses should not throw stones!) It would be useful to hear the Christian viewpoint and why they have changed methods. What is the psychology behind this misconception and misunderstanding?

It is mistaken to identify the cut on the animal with oneself, thinking it is causing pain.

I would like to quote Ray & Scott from their book ‘The Humane Emergency of Farm Animals’ (UFAW):

‘So far as actual physical suffering is concerned, men often identify themselves with the animal they kill and assess pain in terms of their own feeling. To some extent, at least, this attitude is justified but, whereas man is invariably conscious of the inevitability and significance of death, animals usually lack such apprehension unless they are badly handled and feel menaced”

“ Human feelings, however, should as far as possible not be allowed to influence the use of the most humane techniques”.

In addition, we are insulting a dumb creature which cannot express it’s feelings or sensations by speech, etc.They are,as reported by Rebecca Hall in her book, ‘Voiceless Victims’.

Meat industries are always keen to stun as many animals as possible in the least possible time and so commercial interests have often been the overriding factor

I would like to conclude, that an up-to-date assessment of the Islamic (or religious) method of slaughter shows, beyond doubt, that the Divine method is the only humane method which is free from side-effects and secondary effects on the animal and the consumer and which matches almost all the criteria for the best method of slaughter and is to be recommended.

We obviously would recommend more research and study to be done on the religious methods of slaughter (e.g. the effect of cutting the trachea and oesophagus on the animal during slaughter). We also need research into the effect of restraining. Transporting and using chemicals and drugs on the animals as far as the meat quality and health are concerned. Also, we need to study the psychological effect of the present methods on the slaughter-man himself.



RECENT INFORMATIONS: The European Council for Ifta and Research has given this Fatwa in his meeting in Koln/Germany on, 19—22 May 1999:

  • “It is not allowed to eat all the stunned chicken as many of it die from the effect of STUNNING”
  • “It is not allowed to eat the meat of cow if it was stunned as some of it die from the stunning before Dhabh/Slaughtering” The slaughtering of sheeps in some countries is not different from the Islamic method of slaughter.”
  • Pitching’s method of stunning will be outlawed in UK/Europe by January/2001 (because of BSE risk)
  • It is believed that the cows, the sheep’s and the chicken have been fed for long times meat/offal/by products from the animals and blood which are all not allowed in Islam;

It is called: ”LAJIM AL -JALLALAH”, when any of these VEGETFJRIAN animals are fed unnatural diet or animal protein. Or dirt (all considered IZRA);

If this occurs, according to Fuqaha: you kill, all these animals you do not drink their milk or eat their meat and eggs. Alternatively you starve them near to death (3 to 40 days) then you feed them their natural vegetarian diet

—There is a big question mark (?) on all meat from the cow due to BSE or Mad cow disease.
There is also a question mark (?) on all chicken and sheep’s when they are fed: animal protein or the meat of other animals.

—There is a big danger in all the meat imported from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Brazil etc., to Muslim countries.

It is believed that they are not slaughtered in the proper Islamic HALAL way and without stunning.

Also it is believed that they have been fed with unnatural diet (animal protein). –There is a growing campaign in the West against feeding these animals which we eat: Genetically modified food which could Harmful and with health hazards.

The Muslims in Britain are joining with these non-Muslim organizations and Christians in: Genetic Engineering Alliance, the big Umbrella organization;

Muslims are advised to join them.

-Some active bodies like; Friends of the Earth, Green peace, the Soil Association etc. They do have a lot of useful studies and reports, which can be very helpful to the Muslims. (See also many of their Websites).

—On health grounds, Muslims should oppose hormones and anti­biotics to be given to the animals we eat.

We need badly: Muslim scientists in the field of animal slaughter and to investigate more: our HALAL method, stunning etc.

—We need badly to grow our own animals” in our own farms in the natural way or organic.

—Pesticides/insecticides and all chemicals should be avoided, as they have been proved harmful to health.

—Most Muslim countries could be on the way like the west for BSE and other diseases as they use STUNNING and do feed their animal’s unnatural diet or animal meat/protein.

—A big international Muslim body to investigate and explore all, these dangers to our Muslim Ummah and to stop all these harmful unnatural haram practices.

A massive publicity campaign is urgently needed. —It is allowed in Britain and in many European countries to slaughter the animals without stunning (for Muslims and Jews) there are haram ingredients in many food in the supermarkets.

—Many fruits/vegetables are not safe due to pesticides and insecticides, additives, coloring etc.

The wiser individuals are those who know whom to consult and how to get the most benefit from their opinions: such people are a pleasure to work with. Insensitive, thoughtless individuals, so complacent about their own knowledge or competence in an affair that they will intimidate others into accepting their opinions, are always unbearable to those who must work with them.

Dr.A.Majid Katme
Chairman, Islamic Medical Association
31 North Circular Road,
Palmers Green,
London N13 5EG, UK
Tel & Fax: 0208 345 6220


Religious Sources and General References;

  1. THE QUR’AN.
  2. Sahih Muslirn(the Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad~.peace upon him),.
  3. The concordance of words of the Our’an
  4. Al—Dhabh”sla~in~ animals for food,the Islamic way” by Dr G.M. Khan.
  5. The Science of the animals ,by Aljahez.
  6. The Bible(Good News).
  7. InstruCtions & P’re-requisites of Slaughter according to Shariya of Islam (Muslim world League ,Secretaria General,tiecca Almukarramah).
  8. The Report of the Ministry of Awgaf about Slaying the animals for food. (United Arab Emirates).
  9. WHO Regional office for the Eastern Mediterranean Jan/1986:Joint meeting of the League of Muslim world(LMW) and the World Health organisation (WHO) on Islamic rules governing foods of animal origin.
  10. Humane killing and Slaughterhouse Techniques (UFAW Symposium 1971).
  11. Farm animal welfare council :Report on the welfare of Poultry at the ti­me of slaughter.Jan/1982.
  12. Farm animal welfare council zReport on the welfare of Livestock(Red Meat animals) at the time of slauqhter.1984.
  13. Farm animal welfare council:Report on the welfare of Livestock when slaughtered by Religious methods.July/1985.
  14. The Guardian 3rd April/ 985
  15. The Times 3rd Sept 1984.
  16. Impact magazine :23 Aug/85 and 26th Sept/85.


1—Sheep Slaughtering procedures: i; Survey of Abattoir practice; (Gregory,Wotton), Br Vet J/1984.

2—Sheep Slaughtering procedures: ii; Time to loss of Brain Responsiveness after exsanguinations or cardiac arrest. [Gregory,Wotton (Brit Vet J /1984)]

3—Sheep Slaughtering procedures: iii; Head to back electrical stunning. (Gregory, Wotton. Brit Vet J/1984)

4—Sheep Slaughtering procedures: iv; Responsiveness of the pain following electrical stunning. (Gregory, Wotton; Brit Vet J/1985).

5-Developments in stunning and slaughter. (21st Meat industry Research conference; K.V.Gilbert)

6-Effects of different slaughter methods on bleeding sheep.(Blackmore, vet record 16/Oct/76)

7-Non-penetrative percussion stunning of sheep & calves; (Blackmore, Vet record,20 Oct/79).

8—Stunning and slaughter of sheep & calves in Newzealand,. (Blackmore & Peterson ,NZ Vet,.J. 29. 99—102).

9—Electroencephalographic studies of the efficacy of electrical stunning of sheep & calves. (Blackmore & Newhook, 26th European meeting of Meat Reserch workers .Vol. 1/1980).

10-The influence of slaughter method on chemistry and property of Lamb meat (Phd thesis by Dr A.S.Biala).

11-Effect of electrical stunning method and cardiac arrest on bleeding efficiency, residual blood,& blood splash in lambs.(Kirton, Frazerhurst, Woods & Chrystal; Meat science,1980—81).

12-Further observations on the slaughter of Poultry. (Heath, Watt, Waite, & Meakins). Brit,Vet J/83.

13-Jewish method of slaughtering animals for food & its influence on blood supply to the brain & on the normal functioning of the nervous system. (I.M.Levinger: Animal Regulation studies 2,1979).

14—Muslim attitudes to the slaughter of food animals. (M.Abdussalam, Animal Regulation studies, 3.1980—1981).

15-Muslim slaughter is it a ritual method’: (Helmy, Al-Sana’e, Alnisuf & Al—Sultan: lst International conference on Islamic medicine ,Kuwait/1981).

16-Blood flow in the Carotid & Vertebral arteries of the sheep and calf; (Baldwin, Bell: J.Physiol/1963).

17-The effect on Blood pressure in the sheep & calf of clamping some of the arteries contributing to the Cephalic circulation. (Baldwin, Bell: PhysIol/1963).

18-Proceedings of Seminar Res. Inst of Animal Prod (Netherlands/82),

19-Electroencephalographic studies of stunning & slaughter of sheep and calves: part i: the onset of permanent insensibility in sheep during slaughter. (Newhock, Blackmore; Meat Sci, 1982).

20-Electroencephalographic studies of stunning & slaughter of sheep and calves. part ii: the onset of permanent insensibility in calves during slaughter. (Newhook,Blackmore; Meat Sci 1982).

21-Some aspects of Captive Bolt Stunning in Ruminants. (Lampooy, Logtesting, Sybesma; Proceeding Res. Inst. of Animal Prod/82,Netherlands

22-Final conclusions: Proceeding of seminar; Res. Inst. of Anim,Prod/82 Netetherland

23-Electroanaesthesia of calves & sheeps (Lambooy; Proceeding Res, Inst of animal Prod/82 ,Netherlands).

24-Discussion: (Proceeding Res Inst of Animal Prod/82 Netherlands)

25—The assessment of insensibility in sheep, calves & Pigs during slaughter: (Blackmore, Nèwhook: Proc, of Sem, Resp, lnst, of Ani,Prod/82,Netherlsands)

26—Studies on the central nervous system: Visually evoked cortical responses in sheep (Gregory, Wotton; Research in Vet Science/1983).

27—Practical problems associated with the slaughter of Stock: (Blackmore; Proc of a Seminar at Res. Inst of animal prod/82 Netherlands).

28—Problems with Kosher slaughter:(Temple Grandin; lnt. J. Stu. ani. prod/1980) –

29—Mechanical, Electrical & Anesthetic stunning methods for Livestock: (Temple Grandin:Int.J.Stu.ani.Prod/1980)

30—The assessment of unconsciousness: General principles & practical aspects (Lopes da Silva: Proceedings of a seminar held at the research institute of animal production, Netherlands/1982),

31—A survey of Current methods of Stunning of Farm Animals in EEC countries (G..V Mickwitz: Proceeding research. Inst. of

32-On the Humanity methods of Slaughter: Dr.L.Hill. (The Lancet/192 3.)

33—Stress; What is it & how can it be quantified? (T.H.Friend:Int.J.Stud.Anim..Problems/1980).

34—Relationships between Time of Stunning & Time of Throat cutting and their effect on blood pressure & blood splash in lambs. (Kirton, Bishop, Mullord: Meat Sci/1978) –



The draft General Guidelines for Use of the Term “Halal”, which are being considered by the Codex Alimentarius Commission’s Committee on Food Labelling. Here is some background information You may find helpful.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission is the international body responsible for the execution of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. The commission was created in 1962 by FAO and WHO. The program is aimed at protecting the health of consumers and facilitating international trade in foods.

The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of international food standards adopted by the Commission and presented in a uniform manner. It includes standards for all the principal foods, whether processed, semi-processed or raw. The Codex Alimentarius includes provisions in respect of the hygienic and nutritional quality of food, including micro biological norms, provisions for food additives, pesticide residues, contaminants, labelling and presentation, and methods of analysis and sampling. It also includes provisions of an advisory nature in the form of codes of practice, guidelines (such as the enclosed proposed draft General Guidelines for Use of the Term “Halal”) and other recommended measures.

There are generally eight ‘steps’ to the adoption of Codex standards, codes of practice, guidelines or other recommended measures which are as follows:

Steps 1, 2 and 3

The Commission decides that a measure should be proposed and also which subsidiary body or other body should undertake the work.

The Secretariat arranges for the preparation of a draft, which is circulated to Members of the Commission and interested international organizations for comment on all aspects, including possible implications for their economic interests.

Step 4

The comments received are sent by the Secretariat to the subsidiary body concerned which has the power to consider such comments and to amend the draft.

Step 5

The draft is submitted through the Secretariat to the Commission or to the Executive Committee with a view to its adoption. In taking any decision at this step, the Commission or the Executive Committee will give due consideration to any comments that may be submitted by any of it’s Members regarding the implications which the proposed draft or any provisions thereof may have for their economic interests.

Step 6

The draft is sent by the Secretariat to all Members and interested international organizations for comment on all aspects, including possible implications of the draft standard for their economic interests.

Step 7

The comments received are sent by the Secretariat to the subsidiary body or other body concerned, which has the power to consider such comments and amend the draft.

Step 8

The draft is submitted through the Secretariat to the Commission together with any written proposals received from Members and interested international organizations for amendments at Step 8 with a view to its adoption as a Codex Measure.

At the 23rd Session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling on 24-2 October the Committee agreed to forward the proposed draft General Guidelines for Use of the Term “Halal” to the 21st Session of the Code Alimentarms Commission on 3-8 July 1995 for adoption at Step 5 (see above Consequently, your views are now being sought. It was further agreed that the Codex Co-ordinating Committee for Asia would be informed of this decision and that specific comments would be solicited at step 6.

The draft General Guidelines are intended to enhance and complement Section 5.1(iv) of the Codex General Guidelines on Claims. These support the general principles set out in the Codex General Standard for the labelling of Pre packed Foodstuffs that foods should not be described or presented in a manner which is false, misleading or deceptive. These principles form the basis of both EC and UK food labelling legislation.


CAC/GL 1 – 1979 (REV. 1 – 1991)


The Codex General Guidelines on Claims was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission at its 13th Session, 1979. A revised version of the Codex General Guidelines on Claims was adopted by the 19th Session of the Commission in 1991. It has been sent to all Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO and WHO as an advisory text, and it is for individual governments to decide what use they wish to make of the Guidelines.


1.1 These guidelines relate to claims made for a food irrespective of whether or not the food is covered by an individual Codex Standard.

1.2 The principle on which the guidelines are based is that no food should be described or presented in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character in any respect.

1.3 The person marketing the food should be able to justify the claims made.


For the purpose of these guidelines, a claim is any representation which states, suggests or implies that a food has particular characteristics relating to its origin, nutritional properties, nature, production, processing, composition or any other quality.


The following claims should be prohibited:

3.1 Claims stating that any given food will provide an adequate source of all essential nutrients, except in the case of well defined products for which a Codex standard regulates such claims as admissible claims or where appropriate authorities have accepted the product to be an adequate source of all essential nutrients.

3.2 Claims implying that a balanced diet of ordinary foods cannot supply adequate amounts of all nutrients.

3.3 Claims which cannot be substantiated.

3.4 Claims as to the suitability of a food for use in the prevention, alleviation, treatment or cure of a disease, disorder, or particular physiological condition unless they are:

(a) In accordance with the provisions of Codex standards or guidelines ” for foods under jurisdiction of the Committee on Foods for Special Dietary Uses and follow the principles set forth in these guidelines.


(b) In the absence of an applicable Codex standard or guideline, permitted under the laws of the country in which the food is distributed.

3.5 Claims which could give rise to doubt about the safety of similar food or which could arouse or exploit fear In the consumer.


The following are examples of claims which may be misleading:

4.1 Meaningless claims including incomplete comparatives and superlatives.

4.2 Claims as to good hygienic practice, such as “wholesome”, “healthful”, “sound”.


5.1 The following claims should be permitted subject to the particular condition attached each:

(i) An indication that a food has obtained an increased or special nutritive value by means of the addition of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids may be given only if such an addition has been made on the basis of nutritional considerations according to the Codex General Principles for the Addition of Essential Nutrients to Foods. This kind of indication should be subject to legislation by the appropriate authorities.

(ii) An indication that the food has special nutritional qualities by the reduction or omission of a nutrient should be on the basis of nutritional considerations and subject to legislation by the appropriate authorities.

(iii) Terms such as “natural”, “pure”, “fresh”, “home made”, “organically grown” and “biologically grown” when they are used, should be in accordance with the national practices in the country where the food is sold.The use of these terms should be consistent with the prohibitions set out in Section 3.

(iv) Religious or Ritual Preparation (e.g. Halal, Kosher) of a food may be claimed provided that the food conforms to the requirements of the appropriate religious or ritual authorities.

(v) Claims that a food has special characteristics when all such foods have the same characteristics, if this fact is apparent In the claim.

(vi) Claims which highlight the absence or non-addition of particular substances to food may be used provided that they are not misleading and provided that the substance:

(a) Is not subject to specific requirements In any Codex Standard i Guideline:

(b) is one which consumers would normally expect to find in the food;

(c) has not been substituted by another giving the food equivalent characteristics unless the nature of the substitution is clearly stated with equal prominence; and

(d) is one whose presence or addition is permitted in the food.

(vii) Claims which highlight the absence or non-addition of one or more nutrients should be regarded as nutrition claims and therefore should invoke mandatory nutrient declaration in accordance with the Codex Guidelines on Nutrition Labeling.




1.1 These guidelines recommend measures to be taken on the use of Halal claims in food labelling.

1.2 These guidelines apply to the use of the term Halal and equivalent terms in claims as defined in the General Standard for the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods and include its use in trade marks, brand names and business names.

  1. These guidelines are intended to supplement the Draft Revision of the Codex General Guidelines on Claims and do not supersede any prohibition contained therein.


2.1 Halal Food means food permitted under the Islamic Law and should fulfil the following conditions:

(i) Does not consist of or contain anything which is considered to be unlawful according to Islamic Law;

(ii) Has not been prepared, processed, transported or stored using any appliance or facility that was not free from anything unlawful according to Islamic Law; and

(iii) Has not in the course of preparation, processing, transportation or storage been in direct contact with any food that fails to satisfy (i) and (ii) above.

2.2 Notwithstanding Section 2.1 above:

(i) Halal food can be prepared, processed or stored [in different sections or lines] within the same premises where non-halal foods are produced, provided that necessary measures are taken to prevent any contact between Halal and non-halal foods;

(ii) Halal food can be prepared, processed, transported or stored using facilities which have been previously for non-halal foods provided that proper cleaning procedures, according to Islamic requirements. have been observed.



The term Halal may be used for foods which are considered lawful. Under the Islamic Law, all sources of food are lawful except the following sources, including their products and derivatives which are considered unlawful:

Food of Animal Origin

(a) Pigs and boars.

(b) Dogs, snakes and monkeys.

(c) Carnivorous animals with claws and fangs such as lions, tigers, bears, and other similar animals.

(d) Birds of prey with claws such as eagles, vultures and other similar birds.

(e) Pests such as rats, centipedes, scorpions and other similar animals.

(f) Animals forbidden to be killed in Islam i.e. ants, bees and woodpecker birds.

(g) Animals which are considered repulsive generally like lice, flies, maggots and other similar animals.

(h) Animals that live both on land and in water such as frogs, crocodiles and other similar animals.

(i) Mules and domestic donkeys.*

(j) All poisonous and hazardous aquatic animals.

(k) Any other animals not slaughtered according to Islamic Law

(l) Blood

(m) Genitals.*

Food of Plant Origin

Intoxicating and hazardous plants.


(a) Alcoholic Drinks.

(b) All forms of intoxicating and hazardous drinks.

Food Additives

All food additives derived from Item 3.1 (i), (ii) and (iii).


All lawful land animals should be slaughtered in compliance with the following requirements:

(i) The slaughterman should be a Muslim who is mentally sound and knowledgeable of the Islamic slaughtering procedures.

(ii) The animal to be slaughtered should be lawful.

(iii) The animal to be slaughtered should be alive or deemed to be alive at the time of slaughtering.

(iv) The head and front of the animal should be directed towards Qibla. (i.e towards Makkah)*

(v) The phrase “Bismillah Allahu Akbar” (in the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest) should be invoked during slaughtering.

(vi) The slaughtering device should be sharp and should not be lifted off the animal during the slaughter act.

(vii) The slaughter act should sever the trachea, oesophagus and main arteries and veins of the neck region.

(viii) The animal must not be stunned, anaesthetized or otherwise rendered wholly or partilly insensible before slaughter. It must be fully conscious when it is slaughtered.**


All food should be prepared, processed, packaged, transported and stored in such a manner that it complies with item 2.1 and 2.2 above and the Codex General Principals on Food Hygiene and other relevant Codex Standards.


4.1 When a claim is made that a food is Halal, the word Halal or equivalent terms should appear on the label.

4.2 In accordance with the Draft Revision of the Codex General Guidelines on Claims, claims on Halal should not be used in ways which could give rise to doubt about the safety of similar food or claims that Halal foods are nutritionally superior to, or healthier than, other foods.

* The Committee agreed to add the amendments in square brackets (Sections 3.1(i)(m) and 3.2(iv) for additional government comments.

** The Government decided in 1987 that the religious slaughter of animals without pre-stunning should continue to be permitted. The Muslims are exempt from stunning.


The Fallacy Of Stunning The Animal Without Been Killed

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The Fallacy of stunning the animal without been killed??


-According to Farm Animal Welfare Council’s Report before: 1/3 of chickens die from stunning and before doing the cut(This is MITAH/HARAM to eat as mentioned in the Qur’an) ?

The percentage could be less sometimes,however always there will be some animals with weak hearts or sick who will die from stunning or their hearts stop , besides, there is no person at all at time of slaughtering who will check and monitor if each chicken/animal is surely alive after stunning( when you are killing 12 000 15 000/hour), and especially when the industry is competing more in order to kill more/hour all the times.)

The Fatwa/Islamic ruling is:Meat from stunned animals will not accepted even if it kills just one single chicken or animal ,as all the other chickens will be SHUBUHA/doubtful to eat ,Ulamas have said.

We believe that many Muslims ,unfortunately ,are eating meat coming from animals who died in stunning and before doing the cut(Haram).

Unfortunately, only few Ulamas who do not know and lack the scientific medical knowledge about the effects of stunning and the many haram and health hazards and cruelty resulting from stunning,have been DECEIVED by few ‘muslim’ businessmen who use stunning in order to justify their non Halal way of Zabiha and get a certificate that it is ?halal???

Some businessmen are buying the ?Halal certificate? from some “Imams”/Muslim organisations

Muslims should watch out for any ‘pseudoscientific’ paper done by a’ muslim’ on this subject, in order to convince the Muslims that the animal did not die from stunning and all is halal???

We should remember also that if the animal die from stunning or his pumping heart stops,we will have more blood inside which will be consumed by the Muslims???

Apart from this big fallacy,there are many other haram reasons and health hazards and problems and cruelty resulting from stunning,even if surely the animal did not die from stunning,and which also are not known to these few NAIVE Ulamas/speakers,who gave their wrong fatwa that :It is okay to eat the meat as long it does not kill the animal??? (by the way :the majority of Ulamas in their Fatawas ,especially in the UK,OPPOSE any type of stunning)

Personally when I gave many talks on stunning in many conferences for Ulamas in different cities of Britain,I could not meet till now one single Imam or scholar who agreed with stunning!The problem today is the IGNORANCE about the many dangerous/haram effects of stunning on the animals and consumers ,even among some ‘ULAMAS!’

We should remember also that the UK and the EU are moving now towards the new method of stunning:


to make the animal die instantaneously from stunning,which is absolutely prohibited in Islam!

I would like now to mention these other haram and horrible outcomes which do result from stunning,even if the animal is alive after stunning , and which are unfortunately DENIED OR DELIBERATELY FORGOTTEN or NOT KNOWN by all those who are after the so called stunning which does not kill the animal?:

-Internal unseen Haemorrhage do occur ( some of the small blood vessels rupture inside the meat/ called :SALT AND PEPPER HAEMORRHAGE,as a result of stunning),This was mentioned in many medical studies.

So we have unseen blood inside the meat or leg and Muslims are eating the meat with blood inside?,Blood is FORBIDDEN to consume in Islam,according to the QUR’AN and is very dangerous to your health according to all doctors today! Another big SHUBUHA/doubt here?

– Any type of stunning causes PAIN and is cruel to the animal,who can not speak or complaint.(According to some Medical studies based on the EEG recording of the brain)

There is also:failure of stunning,repeated stunning causing to many animals:paralysis,broken bones etc…(more pain,cruelty and suffering to the innocent animals!)

It is even a common sense:none of us can put his finger inside the electric plug for fear of electricity which is painful and which is used frequently in stunning.

When I use to work in hospitals as a doctor in order to give electric shock to the patient who is suffering from depression,general anaesthesia has to be given first and before,as the electricity is PAINFUL!

So why we justify it to the animal who had no general anaesthesia before stunning?

Inflicting any pain or cruelty on any animal is forbidden in Islam!

And animals are highly respected in Islam,above any business or greed or money.

-Stunning do ‘disturb and disrupt’ the natural healthy chemical orginal formula/structure of the meat and its normal ingredients? thus maiking the meat unnatural unsafe and unhealthy and definetely


(I got a copy of Phd done by a Muslim before on this issue).

-Any one using any type of stunning is DISOBEYING the final prophet Muhammad(pbuh) who explained clearly to us in a Hadith how to do Zabiha..and he showed it to us by his hands how is done…and he is our teacher and model to follow and copy.

More: the prophet Muhammad has warned us in a clear authentic Hadith that he will fight any one who does not slaughter the animal as he did exactly ???

Who would like to be a war with the prophet Muhammad,peace be upon him?
It is the same method done by all the prophets:Ibraham,Moses,Jesus and Muhammad(peace be upon them)..the only MERCIFUL and HALAL method:DIRECT method without any type of stunning!

-In the Qur’an,there is a verse which has described 2 types of stunning:Strangulation,as done to some innocent chickens today when their heads are forcibly immersed inside the electrified water bath? and the other: severe Blow to the head? this same Ayah describes also that:it is forbidden to consume blood or the meat from animal who died before the DHABH/Zabiha or to eat any pork or porcine substance which are all occuring today in most of so called Halal meat/chicken Zabiha,which are stunned???(Surah AL MAEEDA No 5, verse:3)

-Recent new medical studies have shown the IMPORTANCE to have LIVE CONSCIOUS HEARING animals in order to hear TASMIAH: BISMILLAH ALLAH AKBAR(in the Name of ALLAH,ALLAH AKBAR,which is a basic and major ruling in doing the halal Zabiha.

It was found to act as a tranquilliser/sedative to both: the man/ slaughterman and to the animal,but more it was found to purify the meat from bacteria and blood!

A new medical miracle…these fascinating medical results will not occur if the animal is unconscious as done in stunning?

We have DVD/books on this new medical discovery,Islam channel TV has shown it at least 3 times.(you can see the DVD on many websites like this

-The least to say that: any meat from stunned animals is SHUBUHA/DOUBTFUL,and ALL ULAMAS SAID WE SHOULD AVOID IT COMPLETELY AS IT IS SHUBUHA?this is well known Fatwa on anything in life.

-Our DU’AS/supplication will not be accepted if we ate non halal Tayyib meat,as in many AHADITH.

Dr A.Majid Katme(MBBCh,DPM)

Medical Researcher and Spokesman on Halal meat and Food(Islamic Medical Association/UK)

Tel: 07944 240 622 E- mail address:

NB: Please see my previous comparative medical research and study on prophet’s Muhammad way of Zabiha and stunning:

Assesment of The Muslim Method of Slaughtering – 131k –

It is also on the websites of Regent Partk mosque(

and the Muslim Council of Britain(

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UK Muslim Scholars Unanimously Reject Mechanical Or Machine

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UK Muslim Scholars Unanimously Reject Mechanical Or Machine


Slaughter of Animals

(Remember that in Mechanical slaughter,there is stunning )



In the largest independent survey of Muslim Scholars conducted in the UK concerning Halal

and Halal standards, there was a unanimous rejection of mechanical slaughter in the UK from

all scholars.

In June 2009, an independent online survey was commissioned by HMC(Halal Monitoring Committee) through Ajax

Consultants to understand the scholarly opinions on Halal in the UK.

Responses were received from 282 imams and muftis from over 25 towns and cities covering,

London, Birmingham, Newcastle, Glasgow, Leicester, Manchester, Blackburn, Reading,

Preston, Dewsbury and many more cities across the UK.

The survey asked several questions covering issues on the acceptance of mechanical

slaughtering, stunning of animal prior to slaughter, recitation of tasmiyah, and views on the

current exemptions in UK and European law.


The Summary of the findings are outlined below:

95% of the Ulama do not accept “mechanical slaughter” as an accepted method of Halal

slaughter in Islam (2.1% want to understand the issue further)

99.7% stated that Bismillah(Tasmiah) should be prayed individually by person slaughtering (not taped

or person standing on the side)

90% rejected electrical stunning of chickens (9% welcomed further research)

85% rejected electrical stunning of larger animals (9% welcomed further research)

99% expressed preference for non-stunned

100% saw the need for the continuation of religious exemption in the UK which allows Muslims and Jews to practice their religious beliefs (prophetic method of slaughte/Zabiha) and without the use of any type of stunning.


The survey included responses from 32 Muftis, 201 Ulama and 49 Imams


HMC Chairman: Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala commented, “This survey is the largest of its kind

conducted in the UK and sets clear guidelines of acceptability and standards for Halal in this

country. It further endorses the standard of Halal that HMC has followed since its inception

in 2003”.

Nadeem Adam, Operations Manager at HMC said, “People will be surprised to learn of the

widespread use of mechanical slaughter in the provision of “Halal” poultry(chickens) in the UK. There

are many UK superstores that need to take heed of the message from the UK scholars and

carefully address and provide meat to acceptable standards for all”. Further he commented

that, “HMC’s universal standard is the only way to ensure acceptance by all”.


The Halal Food Authority (HFA) accepts mechanical slaughter and stunning and has

continually been probed and asked to provide views from Muslim scholars for their accepted

practices and whether they would listen to the views of the Muslim community who they

claim to serve. No response and views from scholars have been received to date.

Earlier this year, Malaysia, a country at the forefront of Halal, known as the Halal Hub of the

World, listened to the scholars of the world and removed mechanical slaughter from its Halal

standards. Now we wait and see if a Halal certifier in the UK (HFA) can heed to the views of

Muslim scholars and public and remove mechanical slaughter from its standards.


Published in HMC newsletter No. 13 available at

Or Download driect from our servers: Click here



February 2010

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Stunning Animals

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The Islamic Medical Association and British Muslims were shocked on 5th May to see an erroneous, misguided statement written by Professor Bill Reilly (a consultant in veterinary public health) regarding the religious slaughter of animals used by Muslims and Jews, where he accused us of been cruel to animals as we do not use secular stunning methods before slaughter!


This statement was published in many newspapers ,like the Independent and the Daily Mail… and originated in theVeterinary Record 2012;170:468-469 doi:10.1136/vr.e3100.

We would like to establish the FACTS and separate them from Fiction and Myth

We all are aware that there is no scientific evidence, which has been properly done and agreed to by broad consensus of scientists proving that unstunned animals as actually properly practiced during the religious slaughter of animals suffer pain. Even the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) stated this in its Report on the Welfare of Farmed Animals at Slaughter or Killing: Part 1: Red Meat Animals (10 June 2003) in clause 194: “It is difficult to measure pain and distress during the slaughter process in an objective scientific manner and subjective indicators…” So how can Professor Reilly claim for sure that the animal feels pain when religious slaughter is done? Where is the scientific evidence? In fact , there is some scientific studies that strongly suggest that stunning causes pain to the animal, i.e., according to EEG brain studies.

It is also common sense that putting electricity onto the skin/body of man or animal causes pain and discomfort and may even cause burning in some cases . It can even lead to death, but animals cannot talk or complain as we all know. Electricity has and is still widely used in the world today to torture people in prisons, so why do we allow this torture by electricity for sentient, innocent, voiceless animals? It must be that financial greed of the slaughter industry, which uses stunning to permit it to kill more animals quickly without showing any respect for the lives being taken.

Or is this rejecting of the religious slaughter of animals a widely erroneous “subjective feeling” , that is predicated on a number of false assumptions that are encouraged by the power structure. Do many people believe that by doing the direct cut with a razor sharp knife on a conscious living animal that it causes pain to the animal? Or is it the mere medical physiological ignorance of the public about the medical physiology of the animal that makes them regarding the cut when done properly in religious slaughter a problem?

Medically and physiologically religious slaughter can be fully explained: A proper cut to the major blood vessels in the neck will produce a large haemorrhage followed quicly by haemorrhagic shock with immediate loss of consciousness and “instantaneous anaesthesia” or “stunning” leading to unconsciousness, especially as the blood is under high pressure and will come out quickly when a large big hole has been opened by a razor sharp long knife, in the right anatomical site of the neck of animal. In this way the animal is rendered unconscious painlessly leading to a painless death. The brain is immediately deprived of its “living blood supply”(glucose and oxygen) which are essential for its functioning or for any feeling of pain, if there were any!

It is a MYTH, it is an ILLUSION and is a DELUSION, too, to consider proper religious slaughter of animals without stunning as painful and cruel. The British public is unaware that in the US religious slaughter is officially considered a HUMANE METHOD of slaughter! We do recognize that any improper Religious slaughter might cause pain or discomfort to the animal and it is the responsibility of the religious communities to assure that this does not happen.
It is important to mention also one fact ,as most public is not aware,that Religious slaughter,without the use of stunning,is allowed in the UK and is LEGAL and according of the law of the land!

One more thing: Muslim and Jewish believers have discovered that there are many FORBIDDEN(Haram) outcomes that result when stunning is used with animals. So there are additional reasons to oppose stunning, like:

-The death of some animals before doing the cut or the act of slaughter, especially in poultry. FAWC reported that about 1/3 of the chickens are dead before doing the cut/slaughter. In Islam it is forbidden to eat the meat of any animal who died before slaughter.

-Blood: staying inside the meat(Salt and Pepper haemorrhage) and is unseen,when the capillaries and small blood vessels in the meat crack up and explode from the power of electricity?

Blood if consumed is harmful to health and is forbidden to consume in Islam!

-BSE/Mad cow disease risks increase when the captive bolt pistol is used to crack open the skull of cattle to stun them.

For Muslims, the meat that is produced according to the religious requirements is TAYYIB ( natural) while that when stunning has been used is not Tayyib.

It is important to emphasize that in the secular abattoirs, there is also a lot of cruelty inflicted on the animals before slaughter:

Kicking, beating and sticking and pushing of the animals in a harsh disrespectful way.

Moreover, much of the public is not aware that in using stunning: Some animals become paralysed while conscious, some have broken bones. And that does not consider the pain when an animal is mistuned and has to be stunned again. The best animal well-being standards permit a 5% mis-stun. However, some plants get down to about 3% — but that is a lot of animals suffering.

It is important to remember that CRUELTY AND MALTREATMENT of animals are rampant and rife in our modern world. Our advice to Compassion in World Farming and all the other animal welfare organisations is to concentrate more on the huge and increasing suffering of animals on our farms(factory farming/cage batteries…), secular slaughterhouses, and in homes. There is a lot of important work to do. People should know that all the believers in the three Abrahamic Faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, believe in the same proper religious slaughter. Jesus (who was a Jew) peace be upon him, ate only the meat from unstunned animals, and he blessed it too with a prayer…but unfortunately, most of our Christian friends, are not following the great noble teachings of Jesus…We wish they were!



Dr A Majid Katme(MBBCh,DPM)

Spokesman: Islamic Medical Association/UK on Religious slaughter

T: 07944 240 622

NB: Please see :

– My new website, which is partly done:

See also in the website(Introduction):

Animal Care and Welfare(Superior rights of the animal in Islam)

– My comparative medical study on stunning,published on AL AZHAR website: (

– We are available for interview

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– This is the Official Muslim view of the Muslims in Britain :
The only Halal is the prophet’s Muhammad way(Sallalahu Alayhi wasallam),direct method and without the use of any type of stunning.HALAL IS THE UNSTUNNED ONE ONLY!
This is the view of over 700 Muslim organisations and mosques and Imams in Britain:
Muslim Council of Britain(over 400 organisations/mosques),UMO(over 200 organisations/mosques)
Regent Park mosque,Sharia Council,Darul Uloom,,European Council for Ifta and Reasearch,many Muftis…,Islamic Medical Association etc…

Muslims in Britain are lucky to have a law/Exemption from stunning,as well as the Jews,who oppose strongly ,more than the Muslims ,all types of stunning( for Kosher meat.),and to slaughter our Zabiha according to the clearway of our beloved prophet Muhammad,peace be upon him..

We have now a big list of FATAWAS which prohibit completely any type of stunning!
The more we explain to Ulamas/Imams what stunning does to the animal/meat,the more we get Fatawas of prohibition.(EDUCATION ON STUNNING AND ITS HARAM HARMFUL EFFECTS IS VERY MUCH NEEDED TODAY TO ALL ULAMAS/MUFTIS EVERYWHERE AND IN MANY LANGUAGES)

Many scientific/medical researches and my medical researches before have prooved that stunning techniques( which are torture techniques) can causes all or some of these haram results and problems:

-Stunning causes Death of some animals before Zabiha(Mitah) which makes the meat HARAM.
The Government says that 1/3 of stunned chickens are dead before you do the cut for slaughter???
Chicken are cruelly stunned in electric water bath! some die from strangulation(Munkhanicah)
which is HARAM to do!

Meat from dead animal before Dhabh,blood , strangulation and blow on the head (all occuring in stunning), are clearly prohibited in the final Holy Book ALQUR’AN(chapter 5 verse 3)
-And causes more blood inside the meat…making the meat Haram to eat as blood(Dam) is haram to consume and a big health hazard!

More blood stays inside as the heart stops or gets weak..and also by the ruptiure of the small blood vessels inside the meat..”SALT AND PEPPER HAEMORRHAGE”..?
(so far we have three big Haram mentioned in the Qur’an: mitah(dead) and damm(blood) and strangulation (Munkhanicah) .. especially with chickens…)

– Is Cruel and painful to the animal ,as prooved by EEG medical studies,and any cruelty to any animal is forbidden in Islam .every person who causes any pain or suffering to an animal will be punished on the Day of Judgement,according to Hadith.
-So it is SINFUL too..and any one accepting/doing it will be punished!
-Makes the composition of the meat: unhealthy and not TAYYIB,according to the medical researches due to the disruption/disturbance of the natural safe healthy chemical formula/ingredients of the meat!
Animals should be fed their own NATURAL DIET(Grass and plants) ,no animal protein also no GM diet..!
Organic Natural farming for poultry and animals is a MUST in Islam!
Hormones and antibiotics to be avoided too for our health and for the health of the animals too.
-TAZKIAH is a MUST in the Qur’an in order to purify the meat…Direct method/prophet Muhammad’s way and without any type of stunnin!

-New scientific medical researches have prooved the importance of having a conscious hearing animal (unstunned) in order to hear Tasmiah/Name of ALLAH, at time of Zabiha ,as it acts as a “sedative”/TRANQUILLISER and a purifiyer of the meat from blood and germs(healthy)!
-Is a health risk! a cause for BSE/MAD COW disease(in beef)..this is why the US has PROHIBITED lately stunning for the cows.Britain should follow soon..!also in stunning more blood stays inside to be consumed which is very dangerous to health.
-More important the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) has said in a Hadith that “he will fight all those who do not slaughter the animal/Zabiha,as he does”(without any stunning) ?????
Who would like to be at WAR with the prophet muhammad(pbuh)?
-To use any type of stunning,is a DEVIATION from the clearly prescribed way of doing Zabiha as the prophet did like a (BID’A)?
The prophet Muhammad was and is our MODEL and TEACHER and he showed us how to do Zabiha and he prescribed clearly in a Hadith how to do it?

-Least to say: in Islam we are asked,according to the Hadith of the prophet,to avoid any thing doubtful or contraversial(Shubuha)?…so for our sake we should avoid eating the meat of any stunned animal completely!
-Keeping the Islamic identity in eating meat and in Zabiha is a MUST in Islam..!
One can not eat the same meat coming from slaughter as done by the non Muslims!
To stun the animal is like Zabiha of non Muslims!
-The Prophet warned us that No Du’a will be accepted from any one who ate some HARAM meat/food!…and to watch our big responsibility/accountability if we feed our innocent children some haram meat or food as their bodies will be built from the Haram meat/food!

-Finally,the Muslims will suffer a great economic loss if they stun the animals like the non Muslims… as people will start buying from the non Muslims whose meat also looks cleaner and more attractive to buy!
-On top of all that,the prophetic method of Zabiha(direct method/without any type of stunning)
is LEGAL in Britain for the Muslims to do it and is allowed in the slaughterhouses..
This allowance was renewed by the Government in March/2005.
So why many Muslims follow the non Muslims in their wrong and haram way(stunning), which is different from the prophet’s Muhammad way..It must be IGNORANCE or THE WORSHIPPING OF THE POUNDS AND DOLLARS….
It is frustrating and amazing to see the Jews stick to the direct method in Zabiha and without any type of stunning(Moses method/Muhammad method) while many muslims go” BLIND” and incist in following the non Muslim way(stunning) ????
No doubt they are SINFUL and will have no BARAKAH in their business…..

Abraham,Moses,Jesus and Muhammad,peace be upon them…
So all Muslims,Jews and Christians should adopt it fully to obey GOD Almighty…and for the welfare of the animal and the health of the consumers!

and a Jewish website:

Dr A.Majid Katme
Spokesman on Halal meat and food
Tel: 07944 240 622



Published / by admin

Welcome Halal Tayyib Meat Online

Subject: FATAWAS against stunning and mechanical slaughter

Written by Member: Habeeb
Country: Guyana
Date: 15-Jan-2003
Member’s email:

What Constitutes Halal Meat?


With regards to meat that is not slaughtered according to Islamic rites, (Quran 6:121, 2:168, 5:3, 6:145) Dr Ahmad Sakr, expert on Halal certification in USA, says it is not Halal because of the effect electric shock has on blood drainage. Using electric shock, explains Sakr, means that all of the animal’s blood does not leave its body, because electric shock affects the central nervous system. It is Haram to eat meat containing blood, as it is clearly stated in the Quran that Muslims cannot consume blood. "Halal is Halal if the following conditions are taken into consideration," explains Sakr.

The first is that the animal is itself is Halal. That means no pork, for instance.

The second, is that the food the animal consumes does not contain any blood or meat. Sakr explains that the animal has to be herbivorous to be Halal, and adds that an animal becomes Haram if it consumes blood and /or meat.

The third condition Sakr lists for an animal to be Halal is that it should not be given any hormones.

In the meat industry, he says beef and chicken are given female sex hormones. This is meant to increase the weight of the animal in a short period of time.

The effect of consuming an animal with injected female hormones is a reduction in the masculine appearance of boys and men and Sakr mentioned "KFC and and MacDonald’s" as two examples. The meat industry also puts the preservatives nitrite or nitrate in meat. These react with the amino group of amino acids of the meat or protein to produce nitroso-amine. This is red pigment. This results in meat still looking red in its color, as if it is fresh, even if it has been on the shelf for one or two weeks. While this may be good for industry, it causes cancer.

A point to note is all KFC chickens labeled "certified Halal" in Muslim countries are slaughtered by Muslims by reciting Bismillah-Allah-hu-Akbar during the process. Birds are slaughtered manually and not mechanically.

Mufti Ebrahim Desai, Darul Ifta, Madrasah In’aamiyyah, Camperdown, South Africa explains mechanical slaughter is of three types:

1- Chickens are transported to the place of slaughter through a conveyer belt and are manually slaughtered. If there is certainty that the chicken is alive and the Muslim slaughterer recites the name of Allah upon slaughtering, then the chicken is Halal. In this case, only the transportation is mechanical but the slaughtering is manual. This procedure is unanimously permissible and recommended.

2- Chickens are transported by means of the conveyer belt to the mechanical slaughter blade. Once the mechanical plant comes into operation, the blade also comes into operation and cuts the chicken. This procedure is not permissible. It does not matter if the plant and the blades are controlled together or separately.

3- The chickens are transported by means of the conveyer belt to many slaughter blades and every blade is controlled separately by a Muslim who recites the name of Allah upon effecting the mechanical slaughter. This procedure conforms to the principles of Sharée Zabh set out by the Fuqahaa. According to our knowledge, such a procedure does not yet exist.

"Except that which you slaughter." Quran 5:3. implies that the slaughterer himself has to hold the knife and recite the prayer and merely praying over a mechanical knife is unlawful. Justice Maulana Mufti M. Taqi Usmani Member Shariat appellate Bench, Supreme Court of Pakistan; Deputy Chairman, Islamic Fiqh Academy (OIC) Jeddah; Vice-President, Darul-Uloom Karachi, Pakistan states that each chicken must have an independent recitation of the prayer and whenever the entire neck is severed it will be considered foul and reprehensible. Mufti Allah Bakhsh Jami’at ul Uloom il Islamiyyah, Allama Banuri Town, Karachi, Pakistan differentiates between shooting an arrow whilst praying and that of praying over a machine; the former is done out of helplessness where generally arrows kill the animal, unlike the manual slaughter where one has the full control and ease.

The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America, among the few U.S. groups that certify halal producers, who authorized more than 200 North American businesses, ranging from small producers to corporations whose product lines include goods for export to Muslim countries, have conditioned having a Muslim Supervisor throughout these operations, including while transporting the certified meat and preparing it in restaurants, since only his word could be taken legally.

In addition meat done by Christians and Jews may be Kosher but not necessarily Halal since they differ at times in terms of alcohol content, meat derivatives and L-cystein produced from human hair.

Kosher foods may contain alcohol, gelatin prepared from swine, animal fat not slaughtered in God’s name. All of these are definitely anti-Halal. Halal foods must come from animals that were slaughtered while Muslims pronounce the name of Allah or His Oneness. Just No electric shocks, No machine blades.



Central Halal Committee of Guyana

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Islamic Vs Western Slaughter

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Islamic vs. Western slaughter

(Scientific results)

Al Shaddad Bin Aous has quoted this tradition of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) “God calls for mercy in everything, so be merciful when you kill and when you slaughter, sharpen your blade to relieve its pain”.

Many allegations have been made that Islamic slaughter is not humane to animals. However, Professor Schultz and his colleague Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany, proved through an experiment, using an Electro encephalograph (EEG) and Electro Cardiogram (ECG) that *Islamic slaughter is THE humane method of slaughter* and captive bolt stunning, practiced by the Western method, causes severe pain to the animal. The results surprised many.

Experimental Details:

1. Several electrodes were surgically implanted at various points of the skull of all animals, touching the surface of the brain.

2. The animals were allowed to recover for several weeks.

3. Some animals were slaughtered by making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck cutting the jugular Veins and carotid Arteries of both sides; as also the trachea and esophagus-Halal Method.

4. Some animals were stunned using a captive bolt pistol – humane slaughter by the western method.

5. During the experiment, EEG and ECG were recorded on all animals to record the condition of the brain and heart during the course of slaughter and stunning Results and Discussion:

I. Islamic method

1. The first three seconds from the time of Islamic slaughter as recorded on the EEG did not show any change from the graph before slaughter, thus indicating that the animal did not feel any pain during or immediately after the incision.

2. For the following 3 seconds, the EEG recorded a condition of deep sleep – unconsciousness. This is due to a large quantity of blood gushing out from the body.

3. After the above mentioned 6 seconds, the EEG recorded zero level, showing no feeling of pain at all.

4. As the brain message ( EEG ) dropped to zero level, the heart was still pounding and the body convulsing vigorously (a reflex action of the spinal cord) driving maximum blood from the body: resulting in hygienic meat for the consumer.

II Western method by C.B.P. Stunning

1. The animals were apparently unconscious soon after stunning.
2. EEG showed severe pain immediately after stunning.
3. The hearts of the animal stunned by C.B.P. stopped beating earlier as compared to those of the animals slaughtered according to the Halal method resulting in the retention of more blood in the meat. This in turn is unhygienic for the consumer.


Ashraf Dabayeh
Dept. of Civil Eng. (Ext. 3844)
University of Waterloo

“And among His (God’s) Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. Surely, in that are signs for people of sound knowledge.” {The Qur’an 30:22}


Cattle stun gun may heighten “madcow'” risk

By: Leila Corcoran

Broadcasted on BICNews 25 July 1997


WASHINGTON (Reuter) – A stun gun used on cattle before slaughter can send brain tissue scattering throughout the animal, which could provide a route for madcow disease to spread to humans, a consumer group said Thursday.

There have been no documented cases of madcow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), in the United States, but the consumers group said the use of stun guns posed a potentially deadly risk in Europe.

“These new discoveries mean that some of the steaks and hamburgers Amercans eat today may contain small bits of brain matter,” said David Schardt, nutritionist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

“Now, since BSE has not been detected here, there is no known risk at this time. But where BSE does exist in cattle, such meat with specks of brain tissue in it could be a deadly meal,” he said.

In an unusual news conference, the Washington-based consumer watchdog group was joined by meat industry representatives who said they planned to sponsor a study on stunning methods later in the year.

“If a problem is found either with stunning in general or with particular methods or machinery, we will move swiftly to address it,” said Janet Collins, a vice president at the American Meat Institute, an industry trade group.

Brain tissue and spinal cord are the most infectious part of an animal with BSE, which eats deadly holes in an infected animal’s brain. A world panic over beef was triggered after an outbreak of the disease among British herds in the late 1980s.

Scientists remain unsure whether madcow disease can be transmitted to humans, but say they are concerned about an inexplicable rise in the number of cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, an incurable brain disease in humans.

BSE has never been detected in U.S. cattle herds and federal health officials have erected a series of “firewalls” against it, including banning feeding ruminant by-products — parts of other farm animals — to cattle, a practice believed to have spread BSE in Britain.

Before cattle are slaughtered, they are stunned with a shot to the head to make them unconscious and to protect workers. Stunning is required by law so the animal feels no pain when it dies.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest said recent research at Texas A&M University and by Canada’s Food Inspection Agency found a method called pneumatic stunning delivered a force so explosive that it splattered brain tissue throughout a cow’s system.

“Our research shows that it’s possible that microscopic particles of brain matter can be circulated to the lungs, liver and maybe other sites,” Tam Garland, a research veterinarian at Texas A&M said in CSPI’s July newsletter. “The implications are frightening.”

Some 30 to 40 percent of American cattle are stunned by pneumatic guns, which fire a metal bolt into a cow’s brain followed by a pulverizing burst of 150 pounds of air pressure.

The method is popular at larger U.S. meat plants because it renders cattle insensible longer than other techniques, erasing concerns the animals might revive before they are killed and cause havoc in a long processing line. Pneumatic guns are not used widely abroad.

Meat industry officials said they started considering a study on stunning methods several months ago after learning of the research. They said they planned to tap U.S. and Canadian government officials for advice on how to conduct the study and hoped to have results by the end of the year.

“No one wants the U.S. to remain BSE free more than the nation’s one million beef producers,” said Gary Weber of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.

Reuters News Service

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