Category: animal treatment

Halal Diet to the Animal

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Halal diet to the animal


There is no doubt that the Muslims who have been involved in the Halal meat campaign and industries have, by and large,neglected over the years, the Islamic issue issue of feeding or making sure that their halal animals which they slaughter and eat like:sheep,cow,chicken… have been eating before and during their life , their own natural “halal diet” which is supposed to be VEGETERIAN and free from animal protein.
If we look to the Islamic teachings regarding the sources of the animals for halal meat,we will find that they are HERBIVEROUS or “VEGETERIAN” animals , and which do depend on grass/plants and grain(CROPS) for their diet and healthy normal living.

The word: ZAR’A or grass/plant(CROPS) have been mentioned as the natural “halal diet” for these animals.

Bismillahi Alrahmani Alrahim:
(Surah 32(ALSAJDAH/Prostration)-verse 27)

Our beloved Teacher and Model,Sayyidna Muhammad,peace be upon him,uses to be a shepherd looking after the sheeps who were grazing and eating grass and plants.

In Islam,we are not allowed to eat the meat of the CARNVEROUS animals which do normally eat the meat of other animals(animal protein) like: cat,dog,lion, pig etc…

Muslim scholars before talked a lot on the questionable meat (LAHM AL JALLALAH) which is the meat coming from our halal animals who have been fed any unnatural diet like the meat of other animals( animal protein) as it has been practiced in the west;:

They stated clearly that Muslims can not eat the meat of these animals and suggested,if one is going to eat any, to starve the animal/near death for a long period(30 days for the cow,3 days for the chicken),then offer the animal after its own natural vegeterian diet.
No doubt this unnatural diet,will make too the meat of the animal not TAYYIB(pure) and not healthy.
Medically we know today that the Digestive enzymes of our Herbiverous animals can not digest any animal protein.

This is a biological abuse and hidden cruelty to these innocent speechless animals if we fed them this unnatural diet!

When this divine rule was broken in the early 80th in Britain in the feeding of the cow,we had BSE/Mad Cow disease which has led to the destruction and the killing of a large number of the cows.
Most consumers avoided eating beef in the Uk and abroad.
This has resulted in causing a huge financial loss to the cattle industry here in Britain and in some other countries,as there was a big business in the export of cows.
What made it worse is the feeding of these innocent animals: Pork remains and blood?

After , this type of unnatural feeding was stopped and banned by the EU :the feeding of cows the offals/animal protein from other animals …so back to nature and to the natural vegetrian diet/feed to cows,as fixed and designed beautifully and safely before by our Almighty ALLAH ,the Creator and the Designer and the Merciful to both: man and animals!
It was for Health reasons and Economic reasons,the new law:banning of animal protein in the diet of the cow/cattle.

The decision was taken by all EU countries. Unfortunately recently the EU has decided on the 11 July this month to LIFT THE BAN on feeding the poultry the remains and blood of PORK,purely for financial reasons…and to be implemented in 2015??? It seems that they have not learned the lesson from the big BSE disaster before??? Muslims in Europe should OPPOSE again this wrong decision for the same reasons,and because of the large consumption of poultry by the Muslims ,as we do not have till now our own organic halal farms for our own supply and we generally depend on the poultry which are sold to us by non Muslim companies!

This case is worse to us as the EU want to feed the poultry:the remains and the blood of the porks,which are also NAJIS(unclean) and full of health hazardsot be close to any source of pork in their diet?
,as there will be some risk in contamination?
We do admit the occasionally and very rarely the chicken might pick up an insect and worm…but this is a rarity and the normal and common natural diet of the chicken is GRAINS/”vegeterians” .

On 13th July/Wednesday morning,On BBC radio 4 :FARMING TODAY(5.45-6 am) ,I talked on the radio(short interview) and expressed the Islamic opposition to this new decision by the EU, which did not respect the religious beliefs of about 30 million Muslim consumers in Europe and I incisted that LABELLING should be mandatory on all poultry have been fed pork’s remains ,so European Muslims can have the informed choice and avoid eating these doubtful or non halal poultry?
In the same time,I recommend that Muslims work on establishing their own Halal organic farms or work closely with the present organic farm industries.

All Muslims should lobby too their owm MEP,so Muslims can eat their own halal poultry which have not been fed the pork’s remains.

We like to say more:
All poultry on the market anywhere should not be fed at all the pork’s remains for health and animal welfare reasons and this new EU decision should be withdrawn!
During my interview on the radio,a big representative of the Poultry industry agreed after to organise the special “halal” supply of poultry to the Muslim consumers(?)

Dr A Majid Katme

Muslim medical researcher and Spokesman on Halal meat(Islamic Medical Association)/UK

T: 07944 240 622

Animal Care

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In Islam we are taught that…

-God Almighty has created/ made, mankind, animals and all the universe.

-Man is the Vicegerent of GOD/khalifah and is placed in charge of all the creatures like animals

-This status gives man a great responsibility/accountability and he should be caring for what
is placed under his control.

– Man was created directly from dust/sand,Animals were created separately,
This means that:
Darwin Theory is a theory/a myth and is not correct!
Evolution of man from animals is not a true fact and is not accepted in Islam
But some “evolution” did occurs in the same species: in both:man and animals.
Muslims believe in the unique separate creation of each species.

– Each animal should be treated with gentlness and respect,love and care.(RIFQ)

-The Holy Book: AL QUR’AN and the Sayings/AHADITH and the behaviour of the final prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) contain a lot of details on ANIMALS and how to treat them?

– Several chapters in the Holy Book AL QUR’AN are named/titled after the animals or some insects,for example: the COW(biggest chapter),The Cattle,The Ant,The Bees,The Spider, The Elephant … and many other animals which were mentioned include :sheep, goat, camel, horse, donkey, fish, birds,frog,monkey,whale and so on..

-Every kind of animal is a COMMUNITY like us,according to the Qur’an.

COMMUNITY means that each kind of animal(& insect), has its own unique way of eating, sleeping, reproduction, language, recreation, social life, feelings, needs (culture
and habits…) which should be studied, respected ,protected then fully facilitated!
(Communities of :horse,sheep,cow,birds,whale,seal,monkey,dog,fish,chicken,bear,donkey,spider,bees,
elephant,cat,butterfly etc….)

-Every animal praises God the Creator…!(each has his/her own way of serving
and praising God(prayer)..but we do not understand it,as mentioned in the

-Animals have got souls.

-Animals will be raised on the Day of Judgment, man will be questioned by
God, if he/she has mistreated any animal in their life and justice will be
given to every animal and punishment for the wrong doer…!

-Many animals go to Heaven!

-In Islam, Muslims are ordered to give each animal:
his/her RIGHTS:
-natural food(no animal protein to the vegeterian animals which we do eat,no Genetically modified food…) and to protect them from any filthy harmful food/chemicals…
-water( natural/safe)
– natural conception/pregnancy,offsprings ,motherhood and breast feeding
-security/shelter and safety and protection from wild carniverous animals
-protection from cold/rain/drought…
-To be used for what GOD has created it( its natural function):for example not to ride a cow.. but ride a horse.
-to be treated when affected by any illness.(vet)
-to live among its own community/society.
-freedom to some extent: access to sun air space and opportunity for: flying jumping and playing(recreation).
-Healthy living:no bad unnatural diet,no hormones and antibiotics no dangerous chemicals.
-right for its “complaint and be heard”!
-right to have justice especially on the Day of Judgment
-right for a gentle humane care and welfare.


Freedom from hunger and thirst,freedom from discomfort,freedom from pain injury and disease,freedom to express normal behaviour,freedom from fear and distress
(these RIGHTS and Freedoms, are based on some verses in the Holy BOOK AL QUR’AN and some AHADITH/Sayings and stories which occured with the prophet Muhammad,peace be upon him/see later)

(also if you look and search the internet,you will find :

Under ANIMAL CARE AND WELFARE IN ISLAM: 1,090,000 sites/studies
Under ANIMAL RIGHTS IN ISLAM : 4,610,000 sites/studies .
This is true mainly in domestic animals and the animals which we are allowed to
eat and consume.(but other wild animals to be protected in their own communities)

-Any cruelty/harsh treatment or infliction of pain to any animal is forbidden in Islam and is a SIN and is punishable,as in fox hunting, bull fighting, cock fighting, factory farming, caging/imprisoning, painful unnecessary vivisection/ most animal experiments, cloning,stunning before slaughter, hitting, deprivation from food or water, carrying heavy weight, misuse and abuse(e.g use as target to hit/shoot at),branding , docking of dogs tails, maternal deprivation, the cruel seal hunting,exposure to cold/rain/hot weather…etc

-Keeping every kind of animal alive / protection of the species, is recommended in Islam, as done in Noah’s Ark before!(Preservationof the species).

-A person can go to Heaven/Paradise even for just providing food/drink to a
needy animal!

A person can go to Hell just because of cruelty or food deprivation to an animal ! (as stated by the prophet Muhammad,peace be upon him).

-There is a reward in offering food or water to any animal,as the prophet said!

-The prophet MUHAMMAD(peace be upon him)/the teacher: here is some STORIES in brief from his life:

* Was angry one day when he discovered a mother bird distressed
and agitated because someone had taken her babies and he said: “who has distressed
this mother by taking her babies! give her back her babies..!”
*Was angry when a cat was locked inside the house and died from starvation?
He said the owner is in hell!
*Defended a weak camel who was suffering and in tears and complaining … he told the owner:fear Allah with this not make him hungry or suffer..!
*Cursed who use the animal as a target to shoot at.
*Prohibited the hitting of the animal especially on the face!
*Prohibited to provoke fight between animals,as in cock fighting.
*Opposed the use the animal for different function,like riding the cow…
*Opposed the harsh cruel pulling of a sheep from the ears..
* Treated a sick dog…
*Opened the door for a cat,who was scratching it, while he was in prayer..
*Opposed the burning of a colony of aunts..(burning any animal or man are forbidden)
*Changed the direction of the army one day to a different road ,when he saw on his way a dog in labour/ giving birth , and tried to avoid disturbing her…!
* Gave many Sayings/Ahadith ,ordering us to treat each animal gently,with utmost care and welfare…as the way to Heaven..!

We should not forget also that the prophet Muhammad himself was a shepherd and he looked very well after the sheeps..with best care and welfare(organic natural farming);

-The Khalifah (president) Omar Bin Khattab, used to say:

” I will be worried if I will be punished on the Day of Judgment when the animals complain to GOD that they could not walk properly on the roads during their lives
because Khalifah Omar did not fix/smooth the road for them!”

-In early Islam:A charitable trust (WAQF) was established in order to look after
animals,especially those homeless, injured or disabled animals…!

-Abu Hourayrah one of the most famous companions of the prophet
Muhammad(peace be upon him) and narrators of Hadith/prophet’s sayings,used to look after kitten/hourayrah..this is why he was called Abu Hourayrah(the father of kittens).

-Treating a sick animal is a duty on every muslim and is highly rewarded!

– Killing an animal for food, should be done quickly, painlessly and
without any suffering ( as it happens in Religious slaughter, without
the use of any stunning )/please see separate scientific religious articles on stunning.
It is an order by the prophet Muhammad,when someone is killing an animal(domestic/wild),to do it PAINLESSLY and without causing any pain or torture to the animal before final death..

-pork/porcine substance and carniverous animals are prohibited to eat.

-Cats can be kept inside the house as a domestic pet,but not dogs…as they are NAJIS/unclean,cause some diseases,bites and injuries and deaths,noise/complaints/court cases and many other marietal/family problems.
However a person can go to Heaven for providing water to a thirsty deprived dog…according to the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him)….


Now there is a great need to establish here in the UK/ West :
Islamic organisations for animal care and welfare and Islamic animal rights organisations which are based on the rich sources of the Holy Islamic Scriptures:

Because: many Muslims/and most non Muslims, do not know or are not aware of the fascinating Rights and the welfare of the animals in Islam …and because animals today are suffering a lot of CRUELTY and ABUSE in our society!

British muslims(about two million), should join also the many animal welfare organisations who are campaigning sincerely for the welfare and care of the animals,and should join in many of their campaigns and activities like:

The Royal Society for the Protection of Animals(RSPCA)
Farm Animal Welfare Council
Compassion in world farming
International fund for Animal welfare


Muslim Spokesman on Halal meat/Religious slaughter(DHABH)
Muslim Campaigner for animal care and welfare

Spokesman:Islamic Medical Association/UK

Tel: 0208 345 6220 M: 07944 240 622

Address: 31 North Circular Road Palmers Green London N13 5EG UK


NB: I am available for interview/talk or any query.

Also find us on: ……. Useful downloads
To view, listen or watch some materials in our sit, you will need the following Home

Pain And Cruelty

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Pain and cruelty



The RELIGIOUS Prophetic method of animal slaughter(DHABH) is the direct method which is done without the use of any type of stunning .
It is the same method which was adopted and practiced by all the prophets of GOD(peace be upon them).

-Abraham,the father of the prophets
-Moses for the Jews(Kosher)
-Jesus for the Christians(Kosher)
-And finally by the final prophet Muhammad for the Muslims(Halal)

No doubt the act of slaughter is a motive and frightening view to watch:A knife doing the cut in the neck,blood coming out,convulsions and contractions…then death!
The public at large has thought over the years that this act of cutting is “painful and cruel to the animal”
But this was a mere SUBJECTIVE feeling which was not based on any OBJECTIVE evidence or fact.
-Till now,there is no single scientific medical evidence in the whole world which has prooved that the divine method of animal slaughter does cause pain to the animal and is cruel when it is done properly and professionally.We offer a challenge to all to bring us one authentic study?
It is mere illusion and delusion.

-The animal ,after the proper cut,keeps still and does not move at all,one can see that clearly:a gap between the cut and the start of the normal physiological convulsions and contractions !
If the cut does cause pain,so why the animal keeps still for a while after the cut?
It is only later, these physiological contractions and convulsions do occur when the brain has been deprived from blood, and in order to bring blood quickly to the dying brain(Haemorrhagic shock/instantaneous “ANAESTHESIA”).
To the lay public, these contractions and convulsions are because of “pain” felt by the animal after the cut,but this is not true and there is no evidence for that.

-In a German research studies on pain,professor Wilhelm Schulze and his colleague Dr Hazim at the school of Veterinary Medicine,Hannover university in Germany ,have prooved through EEG(Electric recording of the brain) comparative medical studies that the animal does not feel “pain” when the cut is done properly.
And evidences of “pain” were noticed when stunning has been used,according to the EEG records.
The study is called:
“ATTEMPTS TO OBJECTIFY PAIN AND CONSCIOUSNESS IN CONVENTIONAL (Captive bolt pistol stunning and ritual(halal) methods of slaughtering sheep and calves”

The conclusion of the study was:

-We all know that electricity,which is used in stunning,is used frequently in the torture of people in prisons as it causes pain

Surely every one of us is scad to touch electricity,because of the pain and the burn resulting after.
Electricity is used widely in the stunning of sheep and to the poultry in their electrified water bath!
Unfortunately these innocent animals can not complaint or speak up!

-Doctors who give ECT(Electro convulsive therapy) as a treatment to some psychiatric patients in hospitals as in depression,do it only after giving general anaesthesia first and before applying the electricity to the patient,as it is painful!

-There are today in many official and government reports a lot of evidences about the pain and suffering affecting the animals following the use of stunning:Failure of stunning,re-stun,animal conscious and paralysed,unable to walk,burns,broken bones etc…
Apart from the cruelty and stress caused by the electric rod, the repeated pushing beating and pinching of the animals in order to move it towards the slaughter’s site???(all these types of cruely are not allowed in Islam)

-Many States in the US have banned the Captive bolt pistol for cattle due to the risk of BSE. The EU had a similar decision on the same method.

-The Farm Animal Welfare Council(FAWC) in Britain,has concluded in their scientific studies that :THERE IS NO EVIDENCEOF PAIN IN RELIGIOUS SLAUGHTER and that IT IS DIFFICULT TO MEASURE PAIN AND DISTRESS DURING THE SLAUGHTER PROCESS IN AN OBJECTIVE SCIENTIFIC MANNER….(FAWC: Report on the Welfare of Farmed Animals at slaughter or killing:Part 1:Red Meat Animals,June 2003/section 194).

-Religious slaughter was considered HUMANE by the US Congress(1958)

-New medical studies suggest that ENDORPHINS secretions(natural pain killers in the animal body,as in human too) do occur with the cut,to avoid also the animal from feeling any “pain”.
We have to remember also that the threshold to feel pain in the animal is different from man.


-New medical studies from the University of Damascus in Syria,have prooved that the mentioning of the NAME OF GOD(ALLAH )/TASMIAH on the conscious living hearing animal at time of slaughter, do ACT AS A SEDATIVE/TRANQUILLISER to both: man and animal,and will purify too the meat from germs and bacteria.(Fascinating)

This interesting medical discovery was repeated many times,and it gave the same result!
This was signed by over 25 Professors and doctors in the University.(there are DVD about it in both English and Arabic and a book in Arabic about this discovery)

-It is prohibited in Islam to inflict or cause any pain to any animal.
(Please see separate the Superior rights of the animal in Islam).
-In Islam,every animal is to be handled individually,by a human(familiar),without causing any stress and to give food and water to the animal before and avoiding the animal the sight of any slaughter or blood or sharpening of the knife and to keep the animal in a comfortable position.(ALL THESE ARE BASED INTHE ISLAMIC TEACHINGS)

We do admit,as in every community,that some Muslims do not pratice the proper animal welfare and care at time of slaughter or before and it is in our plan to educate and train all for the best welfare and care to the animal before and during the act of slaughter.To educate all about all Hygiene regulations too.
We are fully with all the technologies of today before and after the slaughter and with the technology for best appropriate knife to use.

Muslims also will be happy to follow all the regulations and the laws of the land and EEC,but without been interfered with their permanent sacred religious act of slaughter,and without the use of any stunning.

-Surely GOD the Creator and all his prophets in Judaism,Christianity and Islam,can not be all cruel to the billion of slaughtered animals over the centuries.
GOD is called : the most Compassionate,the most Merciful and Muhammad,called the mercy to all the creation(man and animals).
-Muslims(and Jews) are ordered clearly in their holy Scriptures to follow their prophets in the act of animal slaughter
All Muslims have been warned by the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) not to change at all the divine sacred act of animal slaughter.

-Many people in the west do not realise that it is forbidden in Islam and for Muslims to:
Eat any meat which came from an animal who has died before the cut,consume any blood inside the meat,cause any type of pain and cruelty to any animal,change the natural healthy chemical formula of the meat(not TAYYIB),eat some meat which is risky to health ,eat any contaminated meat with any porcine substances…

Unfortunately many of the scientific medical reports on stunning have shown all these forbidden and undesirable outcomes but in different percentages ,when stunning have been used in one way or another.
Even if one doubtful about the presence of any of these outcomes,in Islam we are requested to avoid it all.

Muslims and Jews and others should have the RELIGIOUS and the HUMAN RIGHTS to practice their religions especially in issues of food meat and diet, especially when it is for their own consumption .


Dr A.Majid Katme(MBBCh,DPM)

Muslim Spokesman on Halal meat and Food(Islamic Medical Association/UK)

Tel no: 0044 7944 240 622
E-mail address:

























































Tasmiyah Effect In Arabic

Published / by admin

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Islamic Vs Western Slaughter

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Islamic vs. Western slaughter

(Scientific results)

Al Shaddad Bin Aous has quoted this tradition of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) “God calls for mercy in everything, so be merciful when you kill and when you slaughter, sharpen your blade to relieve its pain”.

Many allegations have been made that Islamic slaughter is not humane to animals. However, Professor Schultz and his colleague Dr. Hazim of the Hanover University, Germany, proved through an experiment, using an Electro encephalograph (EEG) and Electro Cardiogram (ECG) that *Islamic slaughter is THE humane method of slaughter* and captive bolt stunning, practiced by the Western method, causes severe pain to the animal. The results surprised many.

Experimental Details:

1. Several electrodes were surgically implanted at various points of the skull of all animals, touching the surface of the brain.

2. The animals were allowed to recover for several weeks.

3. Some animals were slaughtered by making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck cutting the jugular Veins and carotid Arteries of both sides; as also the trachea and esophagus-Halal Method.

4. Some animals were stunned using a captive bolt pistol – humane slaughter by the western method.

5. During the experiment, EEG and ECG were recorded on all animals to record the condition of the brain and heart during the course of slaughter and stunning Results and Discussion:

I. Islamic method

1. The first three seconds from the time of Islamic slaughter as recorded on the EEG did not show any change from the graph before slaughter, thus indicating that the animal did not feel any pain during or immediately after the incision.

2. For the following 3 seconds, the EEG recorded a condition of deep sleep – unconsciousness. This is due to a large quantity of blood gushing out from the body.

3. After the above mentioned 6 seconds, the EEG recorded zero level, showing no feeling of pain at all.

4. As the brain message ( EEG ) dropped to zero level, the heart was still pounding and the body convulsing vigorously (a reflex action of the spinal cord) driving maximum blood from the body: resulting in hygienic meat for the consumer.

II Western method by C.B.P. Stunning

1. The animals were apparently unconscious soon after stunning.
2. EEG showed severe pain immediately after stunning.
3. The hearts of the animal stunned by C.B.P. stopped beating earlier as compared to those of the animals slaughtered according to the Halal method resulting in the retention of more blood in the meat. This in turn is unhygienic for the consumer.


Ashraf Dabayeh
Dept. of Civil Eng. (Ext. 3844)
University of Waterloo

“And among His (God’s) Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. Surely, in that are signs for people of sound knowledge.” {The Qur’an 30:22}


Cattle stun gun may heighten “madcow'” risk

By: Leila Corcoran

Broadcasted on BICNews 25 July 1997


WASHINGTON (Reuter) – A stun gun used on cattle before slaughter can send brain tissue scattering throughout the animal, which could provide a route for madcow disease to spread to humans, a consumer group said Thursday.

There have been no documented cases of madcow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), in the United States, but the consumers group said the use of stun guns posed a potentially deadly risk in Europe.

“These new discoveries mean that some of the steaks and hamburgers Amercans eat today may contain small bits of brain matter,” said David Schardt, nutritionist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

“Now, since BSE has not been detected here, there is no known risk at this time. But where BSE does exist in cattle, such meat with specks of brain tissue in it could be a deadly meal,” he said.

In an unusual news conference, the Washington-based consumer watchdog group was joined by meat industry representatives who said they planned to sponsor a study on stunning methods later in the year.

“If a problem is found either with stunning in general or with particular methods or machinery, we will move swiftly to address it,” said Janet Collins, a vice president at the American Meat Institute, an industry trade group.

Brain tissue and spinal cord are the most infectious part of an animal with BSE, which eats deadly holes in an infected animal’s brain. A world panic over beef was triggered after an outbreak of the disease among British herds in the late 1980s.

Scientists remain unsure whether madcow disease can be transmitted to humans, but say they are concerned about an inexplicable rise in the number of cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, an incurable brain disease in humans.

BSE has never been detected in U.S. cattle herds and federal health officials have erected a series of “firewalls” against it, including banning feeding ruminant by-products — parts of other farm animals — to cattle, a practice believed to have spread BSE in Britain.

Before cattle are slaughtered, they are stunned with a shot to the head to make them unconscious and to protect workers. Stunning is required by law so the animal feels no pain when it dies.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest said recent research at Texas A&M University and by Canada’s Food Inspection Agency found a method called pneumatic stunning delivered a force so explosive that it splattered brain tissue throughout a cow’s system.

“Our research shows that it’s possible that microscopic particles of brain matter can be circulated to the lungs, liver and maybe other sites,” Tam Garland, a research veterinarian at Texas A&M said in CSPI’s July newsletter. “The implications are frightening.”

Some 30 to 40 percent of American cattle are stunned by pneumatic guns, which fire a metal bolt into a cow’s brain followed by a pulverizing burst of 150 pounds of air pressure.

The method is popular at larger U.S. meat plants because it renders cattle insensible longer than other techniques, erasing concerns the animals might revive before they are killed and cause havoc in a long processing line. Pneumatic guns are not used widely abroad.

Meat industry officials said they started considering a study on stunning methods several months ago after learning of the research. They said they planned to tap U.S. and Canadian government officials for advice on how to conduct the study and hoped to have results by the end of the year.

“No one wants the U.S. to remain BSE free more than the nation’s one million beef producers,” said Gary Weber of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.

Reuters News Service

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ProphetS Muhammad Method Of Zabiha Is The Only HALAL HUMANE

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Prophet’s Muhammad method of Zabiha is the only HALAL HUMANE and HEALTHY method of slaughter?


Stunning is a new invented procedure, used on the animal before slaughter,in order to make the animal” unconscious”/?not to feel pain ?, before the act of slaughter!

The common types of stunning are:

-Electrical :used commonly on sheeps when electrodes are applied directly to the head/brain of the sheep in most cases.
-Electrified water bath for poultry :the birds are suspended on the shackle(upside down), then the heads of the chickens are immersed in the electified water bath.

( leading to strangulation and death of many ,or electrocution and death .. before doing the cut!)
-The Captive Bolt Pistol:used commonly for cattle/cows,calves and goats;

It is the shooting,by a gun or pistol,in the forehead (mechanical method) by a blank cartridge or compressed air.

It could be penetrating or non-penetrating(Percussion stunning)

It breaks the skull,shatters and destroys the brain!
-Carbon Dioxide(CO2):it is done by moving the animal through a room which contains a mixture of CO2 and air(chamical strangulation)
It is used mainly for pigs

These different types of stunning techniques,have been invented in the west,mainly because of greed and financial motives .. for more killings, and because of ignorance and the false idea that:

By doing the cut to the animal to be slaughtered it causes “PAIN”, and is unhumane and against the welfare of the animal???

However we disovered scientifically and medically and islamically that the only method of animal slaughter which should be accepted and practiced is:

THE DIVINE DIRECT METHOD/DHABH,without the use of any type of stunning,and as practiced by all the prophets of ALLAH,and finally by the final prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him).
The act of animal slaughter in Islam is a HOLY ACT,permanently fixed ,for all times and for all places,and is full of mercy/health, to the animal and to the consumers.

All that have been prooved and supported by the new scientific medical researches and studies;
Obviously we fully support all the new technology of today,before and after animal slaughter!
They are accepted and adopted by the muslims in the world,as long as it does not interfere with the natural physiological process of DHABH/dying!

Also we fully support and accept all the laws/regulations of the land which have been made for Hygiene health and enviromental reasons and for the protection of the consumers.

We would like now to give you in BRIEF the different islamic reasons and arguments against the use of any method or type of stunning before the slaughter of the animal:


*The final Holy Book AL QUR’AN and the Sunnah/Ahadith and behaviour of the final prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him),have explained in details,THE DIVINE DIRECT METHOD OF ANIMAL SLAUGHTER/DHABH. He showed us by his gentle hands how Dhabh/animal slaughter should be done..and he was/is our teacher and our model to follow!

*it is the same method adopted and practiced by all the prophets of GOD like:Abraham,Moses,Jesus …etc, who never used or advocated any type of technique or stunning before slaughter!

*The Jews everywhere do oppose strongly any type of stunning for their Kosher meat.(Mose’s way/Muhammad’s way)

* Mercy to man,animals and all the creation…. is the base/character of all the heavenly teachings..and no man can be more merciful to the animals than our Creator:ALLAH and all his prophets.

*The verse/Aya in the Holy Book AL QUR’AN(Chapter 5,verse 3) describes clearly and amazingly the prohibition of some of the stunning techiques which are used today(strangulation or suffocation/ for chickens,blow to the head/for cows..) ,and the prohibition also of many of the outcomes of stunning(death/Mitah of the animal before doing the cut and the consumption of any blood due to the death of the animal before causing less bleeding out and more blood staying inside the meat…!).

Medical researches have prooved that blood is the best medium for the growth of germs/bacteria,this is why the meat of stunned animals decay quickly,contrary to the meat of unstunned animals!
*TAYYIB/natural wholesome safe type of meat is what Islam has asked us to consume all the times in any type of meat or food. Medical sciences today have prooved that stunning disrupts and disturbs the natural healthy”Tayyib” chemicals and constituents of meat(QUALITY)….making it NOT TAYYIB/ not wholesome!

*Islam forbids the infliction of any type of cruelty or suffering on any animal, as in stunning which has been prooved to be painful through EEG/electric recording of the brain!

* Every animal who suffered in his/her life or during slaughter/stunning and repeated stunning especially after the failure of stunning,will take us to the Divine Court of ALLAH on the Day of Judgment ,for prosecution and punishment!

*It is also not allowed to cause any STRESS to the animal before slaughter,as done in stunning(which is cruel and give us harmful meat)
One is quite surprised to discover that the islamic teachings are full of all types of animal care and welfare.

* the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) has said in a Hadith/Saying:
“…….to “fight” those who do not slaughter as we slaughter…?”

Obviously all those who use stunning the animals ,are not slaughtering their animals as the prophet/s did!
The adding of stunning is a deviation and disobedience of the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him)!
* the new medical sciences today have prooved the HEALING and the TRANQUILLISER
effects of pronouncing the NAME OF ALLAH(ALLAH AKBAR) on a live conscious/hearing animal who has not been stunned at all !

(Please see separately our brief on the new medical discovery/study which cames from Syria,see also the website at the end).

When the animal discards out all its harmful blood and the meat is purified from all germs ,bacteria and viruses.
Mentioning the Name of Allah at time of slaughter is a CURE for many diseases and infections affecting the animals! (see separate study)
*Halal and Tayyib is the only HEALTHY meat or Food ..and all the teachings of islam is for our own health and survival.
*Even when some muslims consider the islamic view on stunning is contoversial and the prohibition is doubtful(Shubha)…But according to the islamic teachings: all muslims are requested to avoid practicing anything doubtful or Shubuha?

The European Council for Fatwa and Research,The Islamic Shari’a Council in the UK,Darul Uloom,Regent Park mosque and many Ulamas in muslim countries etc..(we are trying now to make a list of Ulamas/Muftis in the world who opposed and prohibited the use of stunning).


Islam advocates all the times all healthy types of behaviour and in every aspect of life:
But stunning does break this golden islamic rule:

*Stunning kills some animals especially chickens(about 1/3 of chickens,as reported by the Farm Animal Welfare Council/FAWC),before doing the act of slaughter,thus making the heart stops and causing less bleeding out and more blood inside the meat
which is very harmful to health and is full of germs/bacteria and harmful waste products.Besides quick coagulation do occur in the blood staying inside!
It causes also: “Salt and Pepper Haemorrhage” inside the meat after the rupture of the small blood vessels thus causing the consumption of blood again which is very harmful to health and causes many cases of food poisoning!
MAXIMUM BLEEDING OUT/no blood left inside, is the rule in the islamic teachings
*The Captive Bolt Pistol for stunning have been prohibited lately in some countries because of the risk of Mad cow disease/BSE when the brain is damaged or exposed and some parts do go inside the blood vessels to different organs of the body!
Also the new advice today to avoid the risk of BSE is AVOID the cutting of the spinal cord during slaughter,as advocated by islam more than 1400 years ago!!
* Halal and TAYYIB/wholesome/natural meat or food,is the rule in Islam:
Islam advocates strongly natural feeding and farming to the animals(organic)/ without any animal protein and without any genetically modified diet and with the avoidance of all chemicals/hormones/antibiotics..!

Meat affected by harmful diseases/chemicals can not be consumed according to Islam!
Feeding the “vegeterian animal” animal protein/meat is prohibited in Islam,this is why we had recentlythe big disaster before:Mad cow disease/BSE when our innocent cows were fed/force fed the meat of other animals/animal protein!
-Today in the west, many top scientists and doctors oppose all types of stunning,mainly for health and safety reasons ,like :
Van der wal,wernberg,Mcloughlin,Pollard,Winstanley,Marple etc…


*All muslims(and the Jews) are allowed to do their own religious slaughter,according to the British laws,which was reinforced again in March/2005.
All are exempted from the use of any type of stunning.
So nothing to worry about if muslims practice their prophetic method of slaughter?
This law/facility is also in some other European/western countries.
All arab and muslim governments support and facilitate too the prophetic method of animal slaughter,without the use of any type of stunning.
*The Opposition to any type of stunning in the is the OFFICIAL VIEW of muslim organisations/mosques and imams in the UK, and which was given repeatedly to DEFRA,Farm animal welfare Council,the Ministers and the Prime Minister himself!
(many submissions against any stunning, were done in the name of the Muslim Council of Britain(MCB) which do represent over 400 muslim organisations and mosques,the Union of Muslim organisations/UMO which do represent over 215 muslim organisations and mosques,
The Islamic Cultural Centre/Regent Park mosque,the islamic Sharia Council,Darul Uloom
the islamic Medical Association,UK Islamic Mission,Islamic Foundation etc…)

We do admit that, unfortunately, there are some muslims who do practice stunning mainly because of their ignorance and lack of knowledge, on all the above mentioned islamic , scientific medical and legal datas and facts…
or because of their greed and for financial motives.
Many also do not know that it is allowed and is legal to slaughter animals without any type of stunning.
Commonly, “muslim businessmen” are behind the support and use of stunning???,some do try to “buy”a “cheap fatwa” from a mosque/centre in order to justify their wrong doing!ALL FOR MONEY?

Some they say:

We do stunning without killing the animal?
But this argument is devious and misleading for many reasons:
-First: Who is checking/ or double checking or through a vet,if each individual animal slaughtered ,is still alive after stunning.especially when there is a mass large production to kill 6000 birds/hour,with the competition to kill more and more/hour??
– Second:What about the other HARAMS/problems resulting from stunning,even when the animal is still alive if one is sure about that:

*pain and cruelty to the animal who can not speak or complaint..

*rupture of the small and minute blood vessels inside the meat ,thus oozing blood inside, have less bleeding out ,and blood/meat is consumed after by the muslims ..when any drop of blood is forbidden to consume in Islam!
*damage to the natural healthy chemical composition of the meat,making the meat NOT TAYYIB and not healthy to consume,even it becomes poisonous!

* interference with the hearing of the Name of ALLAH(ALLAH IS GREATER) and its miraculous beneficial healing and tranquilliser effects to both:man and animal!
* what about the other religious and health datas which were mentioned before
and which do oppose any type of stunning

Similarly and unfortunately,some Ulamas/Imams ,have not been aware of all these HORRIFYING FACTS and medical outcomes related to stunning…. they badly need to be aware of these new scientific/medical informations and facts which result from stunning ,before they do “fall into the trap” and give any wrong fatwa/ruling on stunning!

Dr A.Majid Katme(MBBCH,DPM)
Muslim Spokesman on Halal meat and Food
Spokesman: Islamic Medical Association/UK

Tel no: 0044 7944 240 622 E-mail address:


-My scientific medical islamic study:
(you can get it from many muslim websites..or by going to; )

-The famous book: AL-DHABH:Slaying animals for food the Islamic way
By Dr Ghulam Mustafa Khan

-Websites against stunning: (islamic and medical facts against stunning) (Regent Park mosque) (Regent Park mosque) (Halal Monitoring Committee/Halal shop list) (Muslim Council of Britain) Effects of saying ALLAH AKBAR on the conscious animal) (Jews/for Kosher meat/no stunning)

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UK Muslim Scholars Unanimously Reject Mechanical Or Machine

Published / by admin

UK Muslim Scholars Unanimously Reject Mechanical Or Machine


Slaughter of Animals

(Remember that in Mechanical slaughter,there is stunning )



In the largest independent survey of Muslim Scholars conducted in the UK concerning Halal

and Halal standards, there was a unanimous rejection of mechanical slaughter in the UK from

all scholars.

In June 2009, an independent online survey was commissioned by HMC(Halal Monitoring Committee) through Ajax

Consultants to understand the scholarly opinions on Halal in the UK.

Responses were received from 282 imams and muftis from over 25 towns and cities covering,

London, Birmingham, Newcastle, Glasgow, Leicester, Manchester, Blackburn, Reading,

Preston, Dewsbury and many more cities across the UK.

The survey asked several questions covering issues on the acceptance of mechanical

slaughtering, stunning of animal prior to slaughter, recitation of tasmiyah, and views on the

current exemptions in UK and European law.


The Summary of the findings are outlined below:

95% of the Ulama do not accept “mechanical slaughter” as an accepted method of Halal

slaughter in Islam (2.1% want to understand the issue further)

99.7% stated that Bismillah(Tasmiah) should be prayed individually by person slaughtering (not taped

or person standing on the side)

90% rejected electrical stunning of chickens (9% welcomed further research)

85% rejected electrical stunning of larger animals (9% welcomed further research)

99% expressed preference for non-stunned

100% saw the need for the continuation of religious exemption in the UK which allows Muslims and Jews to practice their religious beliefs (prophetic method of slaughte/Zabiha) and without the use of any type of stunning.


The survey included responses from 32 Muftis, 201 Ulama and 49 Imams


HMC Chairman: Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala commented, “This survey is the largest of its kind

conducted in the UK and sets clear guidelines of acceptability and standards for Halal in this

country. It further endorses the standard of Halal that HMC has followed since its inception

in 2003”.

Nadeem Adam, Operations Manager at HMC said, “People will be surprised to learn of the

widespread use of mechanical slaughter in the provision of “Halal” poultry(chickens) in the UK. There

are many UK superstores that need to take heed of the message from the UK scholars and

carefully address and provide meat to acceptable standards for all”. Further he commented

that, “HMC’s universal standard is the only way to ensure acceptance by all”.


The Halal Food Authority (HFA) accepts mechanical slaughter and stunning and has

continually been probed and asked to provide views from Muslim scholars for their accepted

practices and whether they would listen to the views of the Muslim community who they

claim to serve. No response and views from scholars have been received to date.

Earlier this year, Malaysia, a country at the forefront of Halal, known as the Halal Hub of the

World, listened to the scholars of the world and removed mechanical slaughter from its Halal

standards. Now we wait and see if a Halal certifier in the UK (HFA) can heed to the views of

Muslim scholars and public and remove mechanical slaughter from its standards.


Published in HMC newsletter No. 13 available at

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February 2010

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